
My emacs init.el programming environment

Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp

A flexible and powerful Emacs-based Data Science IDE

Configuration file for my personal Emacs Scientific programming environment

This Emacs environment configuration file enables a rich Python programming IDE. I currently tend to favour a lightweight and fast Emacs environment in my day-to-day programming and Scientific research work (rather than a more feature rich IDE such as PyCharm). I've setup my Emacs environment according to the init.el file attached to this repository.

The following packages are used to make coding as easy as possible:

My configuration is largely built on the excellent blog article from Jess Hamrick, with changes to the configuration here and there to adapt it to my own tastes and requirements.

To use this configuration in your own work, simply copy the init.el file into your ~/.emacs.d/ directory. Then install all of the dependencies mentioned above. Having done that, the final step is to create the following sub-directories with associated libraries within the ~/.emacs.d/ folder:

This configuration has currently been tested on Centos/Redhat (Red Hat Enterprise Linux Workstation release 7.3 (Maipo)) and works as of 20th July 2017. Any feedback welcome!