
Configuration files for sjn

Primary LanguageVim Script

sjn's dotfiles

These are personal, work-in-progress and probably a bit off. Feel free to browse and use anything you want! :)

Installing dotfiles

$ git clone git@github.com:sjn/dotfiles.git ~/.dotfiles $ cd ~/.dotfiles $ make

(OPTIONAL) Installing vim(1) modules

$ cpanm Vimana $ vimana update $ vimana search $ vimana install

Other useful tools and sites


Useful Perl modules

Carp::Always Bash::Completion Text::VimColor Perl::Version Perl::Tidy Pod::Tidy App::cpanlistchanges App::cpanoutdated App::scan_prereqs_cpanfile App::perlbrew App::cpanminus::reporter App::cpangrep App::plx Perl::Build Pod::Checker Dist::Zilla Data::Printer Minilla --with-recommends Spellunker Dependencies::Searcher