
This action can delete batch of ghcr package versions

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


This action can delete batch of ghcr package versions


See action.yml


- name: Clean GHCR packages
  uses: cresh-io/action-ghcr-batch-delete-versions@v1
    github-access-token: "${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}"
    org: "${{ github.repository_owner }}"
    package_name: "${{ github.repository }}"
    selector: |
    excluder: |
    dry-run: "0"

In this example above we will delete package versions with at least 1 tag AND at least 1 tag starting with pr-1- BUT we exclude the version with a tag equals to pr-1-ee20adc.


  • github-access-token * required

    Token with permission to access and delete packages.

  • org * required

    Name of the organization that owns the packages.

  • package_name * required

    Name of the package.

  • selector * required

    Multi line string use to select which packages versions should be deleted. see selector/excluder

  • excluder * optional

    Multi line string use to exclude some versions to avoid deletion. see selector/excluder

  • dry-run * optional

    Set the value to 0 to delete the package versions. By default there is only logs to prevent data loss.

Selector and Includer inputs

Selector and Includer are in the form of a key-value pair list in CSV format to remove limitations intrinsically linked to GitHub Actions (only string format is handled in the input fields). Here is an example:

selector: |

Each entry (rule) is defined by a type, which are:

An operator see each type for available operators.

A value see each type for available values.


Use to select/exclude versions regarding the number of tags associated.

operator attribute supports :

  • equals
  • greaterThan
  • greaterThanOrEqual
  • lessThan
  • lessThanOrEqual

If not specified, the default value is equals.

value attribute supports numeric values representing the number of tags.


Use to select/exclude versions regarding the value of associated tags.

operator attribute supports :

  • equals
  • startsWith
  • endsWith
  • contains

If not specified, the default value is equals.

value attribute supports string values representing the prefix, suffix, part of complete tag value.


Use to select/exclude versions regarding age of the version.

operator attribute supports :

  • olderThan
  • youngerThan

If not specified, the default value is olderThan.

value attribute supports string values representing the offset from now, for instance:

  • 1Y 1 year
  • 1M 1 month
  • 1d 1 day
  • 1h 1 hour
  • 1m 1 minutes
  • 1s 1 seconds

You can combine multiple values if you order the values, for instance:

  • 1Y1M1d1h1m1s 1 year 1 Month 1 Day 1 Hour 1 Minute 1 Second
  • 7d15h 7 days 15 hours


For specific needs (eg. delete specific version) you can use is as a CLI tool :

  • Clone the repository
  • Install dependencies: npm i
  • Link bin: npm link

Include and exclude rules are separated with '#' when you use the cli. For instance :

clean-packages --org "org" --packageName "packageName" --selector "type=tagCount;value=1#type=tags;operator=startsWith;value=pr-" --token 'github_token' --dryRun 1

Arguments :

  • org: organization that owns the package
  • packageName: name of the package
  • selector: select rules separated with '#'
  • excluder: select rules separated with '#'
  • token: Github Token
  • dryRun: dry run option (default is 1)


The scripts and documentation in this project are released under the MIT License