
A service framework for Node.js.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Node.js CI npm version

Modern MVC support for your Node.js application.

Sierra provides Promise based Middleware, Routing, and MVC style Controllers.

Creating Application

Sierra uses a Middleware pipeline to process HTTP Requests. To get up and running, create a new Sierra instance.

import Sierra from 'sierra';

let sierra = new Sierra();

Initialize Sierra builds all of the middleware and routes.

Sierra.prototype.init(): RequestHandler;

Now Sierra is ready to listen. Start it by calling.

Sierra.prototype.listen(port: number): Promise<http.Server>;

Creating Controllers

Sierra uses a routing system to respond to HTTP Requests. The pathname of the Request is matched against a series of RegExp objects.

We generate these routes through Controller objects. When defining a Controller, extend Controller, and specify routes with either the @method or @route decorator.

import { Controller, method } from 'sierra';

export default class TestController extends Controller {

    async index() {
        return {
            pageName: 'index'

Sierra will build routes automatically based on the Controller's Controller.base property. This can be set manually, or through the constructor.

class Controller {
    base: string;

If no Controller.base is set, it will be generated from name of the Controller. If the Controller's name ends with Controller, Service, or Router, the portion preceeding that will be used.

Creating Routes

We can define routes on a Controller by marking methods with @method or @route decorators. Only methods marked with these decorators will be used as routes.

For example:

async get() {

async post(context: Context, value: any) {

These two decorators are very similar. First off, we have an HTTP method, here called a Verb. This is

enum Verb {
    All = 'all',
    Get = 'get',
    Post = 'post',
    Put = 'put',
    Delete = 'delete',
    Patch = 'patch',
    Options = 'options',
    Head = 'head'

function route<U extends IMiddleware<any, any>>(verb?: VerbType, name?: string | RegExp, pipeArgs: boolean = false);

function method<U extends Function>(verb?: VerbType, name?: string | RegExp);

function middleware<T extends IMiddleware<any, any>, U extends IMiddleware<any, any>>(middleware: T);
async post($body: Data) {
    return this.gateway.create($body);

@method('put', '/:id')
async put(id: string, $body: Data) {
    return this.gateway.update(id, $body);

async delete(id: string) {
    return this.gateway.delete(id);

Example Service

export default class DataController extends Controller {
    gateway: Gateway<Data>;

    constructor(gateway: Gateway<Data>) {
        this.gateway = gateway;

    @method('get', '/')
    async list(page: number, pageSize: number) {
        return await this.gateway.find({
            page: page,
            pageSize: pageSize

    @method('get', '/:id')
    async get(id: string) {
        return await this.gateway.get(id);

    async post($body: Data) {
        return this.gateway.create($body);

    @method('put', '/:id')
    async put(id: string, $body: Data) {
        return this.gateway.update(id, $body);

    async delete(id: string) {
        return this.gateway.delete(id);

Add Controllers and Middleware

Before Sierra is initialized, call:

session.use(async (context: Context, value: any) => {
    return true;
session.addController(new ExampleController());