Modern MVC support for your Node.js application.
Sierra provides Promise based Middleware, Routing, and MVC style Controllers.
Sierra uses a Middleware pipeline to process HTTP Requests. To get up and running, create a new Sierra instance.
import Sierra from 'sierra';
let sierra = new Sierra();
Initialize Sierra builds all of the middleware and routes.
Sierra.prototype.init(): RequestHandler;
Now Sierra is ready to listen. Start it by calling.
Sierra.prototype.listen(port: number): Promise<http.Server>;
Sierra uses a routing system to respond to HTTP Requests. The pathname
of the Request is matched against a series of RegExp
We generate these routes through Controller
objects. When defining a Controller, extend Controller
, and specify routes with either the @method
or @route
import { Controller, method } from 'sierra';
export default class TestController extends Controller {
async index() {
return {
pageName: 'index'
Sierra will build routes automatically based on the Controller's Controller.base
property. This can be set manually, or through the constructor.
class Controller {
base: string;
If no Controller.base
is set, it will be generated from name of the Controller. If the Controller's name ends with Controller
, Service
, or Router
, the portion preceeding that will be used.
We can define routes on a Controller by marking methods with @method
or @route
decorators. Only methods marked with these decorators will be used as routes.
For example:
async get() {
async post(context: Context, value: any) {
These two decorators are very similar. First off, we have an HTTP method, here called a Verb
. This is
enum Verb {
All = 'all',
Get = 'get',
Post = 'post',
Put = 'put',
Delete = 'delete',
Patch = 'patch',
Options = 'options',
Head = 'head'
function route<U extends IMiddleware<any, any>>(verb?: VerbType, name?: string | RegExp, pipeArgs: boolean = false);
function method<U extends Function>(verb?: VerbType, name?: string | RegExp);
function middleware<T extends IMiddleware<any, any>, U extends IMiddleware<any, any>>(middleware: T);
async post($body: Data) {
return this.gateway.create($body);
@method('put', '/:id')
async put(id: string, $body: Data) {
return this.gateway.update(id, $body);
async delete(id: string) {
return this.gateway.delete(id);
export default class DataController extends Controller {
gateway: Gateway<Data>;
constructor(gateway: Gateway<Data>) {
this.gateway = gateway;
@method('get', '/')
async list(page: number, pageSize: number) {
return await this.gateway.find({
page: page,
pageSize: pageSize
@method('get', '/:id')
async get(id: string) {
return await this.gateway.get(id);
async post($body: Data) {
return this.gateway.create($body);
@method('put', '/:id')
async put(id: string, $body: Data) {
return this.gateway.update(id, $body);
async delete(id: string) {
return this.gateway.delete(id);
Before Sierra is initialized, call:
session.use(async (context: Context, value: any) => {
return true;
session.addController(new ExampleController());