
This is a collection of readings, talks, and other bits regarding the field of Resilience Engineering


This is a collection of readings, talks, and other bits regarding the field of Resilience Engineering.

Each is a link to an accessible copy of the resource, with a quick excerpt from the beginning.

Prologue: Resilience Engineering Concepts

Hindsight and Safety

      Efforts to improve the safety of systems have often – some might say always – been dominated by hindsight. This is so both in research and in practice, perhaps more surprising in the former than in the latter. The practical concern for safety is usually driven by events that have happened, either in one’s own company or in the industry as such. There is a natural motivation to prevent such events from happening again, in concrete cases because they may incur severe losses – of equipment and/or of life – and in general cases because they may lead to new demands for safety from regulatory bodies, such as national and international administrations and agencies. New demands are invariably seen as translating into increased costs for companies and are for that reason alone undesirable. (This is, however, not an inevitable consequence, especially if the company takes a longer time perspective. Indeed, for some businesses it makes sense to invest proactively in safety, although cases of that are uncommon. The reason for this is that sacrificing decisions usually are considered over a short time horizon, in terms of months rather than years or in terms of years rather than decades.)

Epilogue: Resilience Engineering Precepts

Safety is Not a System Property

      One of the recurrent themes of this book is that safety is something a system or an organisation does, rather than something a system or an organisation has. In other words, it is not a system property that, once having been put in place, will remain. It is rather a characteristic of how a system performs. This creates the dilemma that safety is shown more by the absence of certain events – namely accidents – than by the presence of something. Indeed, the occurrence of an unwanted event need not mean that safety as such has failed, but could equally well be due to the fact that safety is never complete or absolute.

      In consequence of this, resilience engineering abandons the search for safety as a property, whether defined through adherence to standard rules, in error taxonomies, or in ‘human error’ counts. By doing so it acknowledges the danger of the reification fallacy, i.e., the tendency to convert a complex process or abstract concept into a single entity or thing in itself (Gould, 1981, p. 24). Seeing resilience as a quality of functioning has two important consequences.

  • We can only measure the potential for resilience but not resilience itself. Safety has often been expressed by means of reliability, measured as the probability that a given function or component would fail under specific circumstances. It is, however, not enough that systems are reliable and that the probability of failure is below a certain value (cf. Chapter 16); they must also be resilient and have the ability to recover from irregular variations, disruptions and degradation of expected working conditions.
  • Resilience cannot be engineered simply by introducing more procedures, safeguards, and barriers. Resilience engineering instead requires a continuous monitoring of system performance, of how things are done. In this respect resilience is tantamount to coping with complexity (Hollnagel & Woods, 2005), and to the ability to retain control.

Essential Characteristics of Resilience

Avoiding the Error of the Third Kind

      When one uses the label ‘resilience,’ the first reaction is to think of resilience as if it were adaptability, i.e., as the ability to absorb or adapt to disturbance, disruption and change. But all systems adapt (though sometimes these processes can be quite slow and difficult to discern) so resilience cannot simply be the adaptive capacity of a system. I want to reserve resilience to refer to the broader capability – how well can a system handle disruptions and variations that fall outside of the base mechanisms/model for being adaptive as defined in that system.
      This depends on a distinction between understanding how a system is competent at designed-for-uncertainties, which defines a ‘textbook’ performance envelope and how a system recognizes when situations challenge or fall outside that envelope – unanticipated variability or perturbations (see parallel analyses in Woods et al., 1990 and Carlson & Doyle, 2000; Csete & Doyle, 2002).Most discussions of definitions of ‘robustness’ in adaptive systems debate whether resilience refers to first or second order adaptability (Jen, 2003). In the end, the debates tend to settle on emphasizing the system’s ability to handle events that fall outside its design envelope and debate what is a design envelope, what events challenge or fall outside that envelope, and how does a system see what it has failed to build into its design (e.g., see url: http://discuss.santafe.edu/robustness/)

Incidents - markers of resilience or brittleness?

Incidents are ambiguous

      The adaptive capacity of any system is usually assessed by observing how it responds to disruptions or challenges. Adaptive capacity has limits or boundary conditions, and disruptions provide information about where those boundaries lie and how the system behaves when events push it near or over those boundaries. Resilience in particular is concerned with understanding how well the system adapts and to what range or sources of variation it adapts in order to detect undesirable drops in adaptive capacity and to intervene to increase aspects of adaptive capacity.

Distancing through differencing: An obstacle to organizational learning following accidents

      A critical component of a high resilience in organizations is continuous learning from events, ‘near miss’ incidents, and accidents (Weick et al., 1999; Ringstad & Szameitat, 2000). As illustrated by the many cases referenced in this book, incidents and failures provide information about the resilience or brittleness of the system in the face of various disruptions. This chapter explores some of the barriers that can limit learning even by generally very high quality organizations.

Rule- and role retreat: An empirical study of procedures and resilience

      To manage complex and dynamic socio-technical systems places demands on teams to deal with a range of more and less foreseeable situations. Three groups of participants with different maritime experiences were studied using the same simulation of a ship to better understand the role of generic competencies (e.g. information management, communication and coordination, decision making, and effect control) play in such high-demand situations. Groups with moderate maritime experience were able to balance contextual knowledge with use of generic competencies to successfully manage unexpected and escalating situations. Novices, lacking contextual knowledge, performed less well. Groups with the most maritime expertise remained committed to presumed procedures and roles and did not perform as well as the other two groups. The results suggest that training to operate complex sociotechnical systems safely and effectively should go beyond procedures and include development of generic competencies. This could provide operators with better tools to enhance organizational resilience in unexpected and escalating situations.

Team Coordination in Escalating Situations: An Empirical Study Using Mid-Fidelity Simulation

      The performance of teams, with different levels of domain- and crisis management experience, managing unexpected and escalating situations was observed by using a mid-fidelity ship-bridge simulation and analysed by applying the central concepts of joint activity coordination (Klein et al., 2005) as well as Woods’ (2002) theory building on data overload. The coordination strategies used by the teams were evaluated by applying coordination process indicators and the concept of control. The paper discusses how different aspects of team coordination in unexpected and escalating situations, e.g. that teams that maintain a high level of control in escalating situations avoid or minimise the effects of data overload by using explicit and agreed-upon goals rather than sharing as much incoming information as possible. The results presented in this paper shows the benefits of applying a broad set of theoretical concepts to illuminate the actual demands that escalating situations pose on people's data processing capacities and processes. It also provides guidance on successful performance of teams in such situations and thus support for development of successful strategies for management of them.

Resilience and the Ability to Anticipate

      The topics of anticipation and adaptation run throughout discussions of resilience. Across scales, to be resilient, a system looks ahead to read the signs that its adaptive capacity, as it currently is configured and performs, is becoming inadequate to meet the demands it will or could encounter in the future. Missing or discounting the signs that adaptive capacity is degrading in the face of changing demands leaves that system vulnerable to sudden collapse or failures. This chapter synthesizes several patterns about how resilient systems possess the ability to anticipate.

Patterns in Cooperative Cognition

      In this paper, seven studies of cooperative cognition in complex operational settings conducted by members of the Cognitive Systems Engineering Laboratory (CSEL) are reviewed. These studies were conducted using a variety of methodologies, including naturalistic observations as well as more controlled investigations using scenario-based simulations. Six converging patterns that were observed across these studies are synthesized. These patterns are: 1) breakdowns in coordination that are signaled by surprise, 2) escalations in activities following an unexpected event in a monitored process, 3) investments in shared understandings to facilitate effective communication, 4) local actors adapting original plans created by remote supervisors to cope with unexpected events, 5) calling in additional personnel when unexpected situations arise, and 6) functional distributions of cognitive processes during anomaly response. These patterns further our understanding of the fundamentally cooperative nature of cognition and provide insight for innovative design.

Four Concepts for Resilience and Implications for the Future of Resilience Engineering

      The concept of system resilience is important and popular—in fact, hyper-popular over the last few years. Clarifying the technical meanings and foundations of the concept of resilience would appear to be necessary. Proposals for defining resilience are flourishing as well. This paper organizes the different technical approaches to the question of what is resilience and how to engineer it in complex adaptive systems. This paper groups the different uses of the label ‘resilience’ around four basic concepts: (1) resilience as rebound from trauma and return to equilibrium; (2) resilience as a synonym for robustness; (3) resilience as the opposite of brittleness, i.e., as graceful extensibility when surprise challenges boundaries; (4) resilience as network architectures that can sustain the ability to adapt to future surprises as conditions evolve.

Fundamental On Situational Surprise: A Case Study With Implications For Resilience

      Fundamental surprise is a challenge for resilience, since by definition it cannot be anticipated, and monitoring is limited by the lack of knowledge about what to target. It does, however, present opportunities for both responding and for learning. We describe an incident in which we use the co-occurrence of situational and fundamental surprise to reveal patterns about how adaptive capacity was used to meet challenges, and what barriers to learning were present. We note that temporal and cross-level factors played important roles in affecting the balance between situational and fundamental learning. Because the situational story of component failure developed first, it was difficult for the fundamental story of unknown, hidden hazards to supplant it. In addition, the situational story was easily grasped by all members of the organization, but the implications of the fundamental story were difficult for non-technical members, including senior leadership, to grasp. The responses at both the situational and fundamental level contain information about both specific vulnerabilities and general adaptive capacities in the organization.

Collaborative Cross-Checking to Enhance Resilience

      Resilience, the ability to adapt or absorb disturbance, disruption, and change, may be increased by team processes in a complex, socio-technical system. In particular, collaborative cross-checking is a strategy where at least two individuals or groups with different perspectives examine the others' assumptions and/or actions to assess validity or accuracy. With this strat- egy, erroneous assessments or actions can be detected quickly enough to mitigate or eliminate negative con- sequences. In this paper, we seek to add to the under- standing of the elements that are needed in effective cross-checking and the limitations of the strategy. We define collaborative cross-checking, describe in detail three healthcare incidents where collaborative cross- checks played a key role, and discuss the implications of emerging patterns.