
Resource: API for retrieving Trips™ and making reservations, used for the project Trek (https://github.com/AdaGold/trek/)

Primary LanguageRuby

Trip API™

Welcome to the Trip API™™™, that services the Ada Trip Reserving Service!

The Ada Trip Reserving Service does two things very well:

  1. helps tour guides create Trip packages catered to global travelers
  2. helps travelers find Trip packages that fit their needs, and make a reservation for that trip

Read the API documentation for more details.


Retrieve list of all Trip packages

get https://trektravel.herokuapp.com/trips

Retrieve list of all Trips by continent

get https://trektravel.herokuapp.com/trips/continent?query={continent}

Accepted query params:

  • query (string), represents the continent of the trip results to filter by
    • Required
    • Must be one of the following values: "Africa", "Antarctica", "Asia", "Australasia", "Europe", "North America", "South America"

Retrieve list of all Trips by max amount of weeks

get https://trektravel.herokuapp.com/trips/weeks?query={weeks}

Accepted query params:

  • query (string), represents the max duration of the trips to filter by, in weeks
    • Required
    • Must be a number

Retrieve list of all Trips by max budget

get https://trektravel.herokuapp.com/trips/budget?query={budget}

Accepted query params:

  • query (string), represents the max budget of the trips to filter by, in whole dollar amount
    • Required
    • Must be a number
    • budget is in dollar amount, above represents $5,000

Retrieve Data on Single Trip From ID

get https://trektravel.herokuapp.com/trips/{id}

Retrieve all reservations of a Trip

get https://trektravel.herokuapp.com/trips/{id}/reservations

Add a New Trip package to be listed

post https://trektravel.herokuapp.com/trips

Accepted query params:

  • name (string), represents the name of your trip
    • Required
  • continent (string), represents the continent that the trip takes place in
    • Required
    • Must be one of the following values: "Africa", "Antarctica", "Asia", "Australasia", "Europe", "North America", "South America"
  • about (string), represents a description of this trip and why someone would join this trip
    • Optional
  • category (string), represents a broad category or tag of this trip
    • Required
  • weeks (integer), represents the duration of this trip in number of weeks
    • Required
    • Must be a number
  • cost (float), represents the cost of this trip in USD
    • Required
    • Must be a number

Reserve a Ticket on a Trip package

post https://trektravel.herokuapp.com/trips/{trip id}/reservations

Accepted query params:

  • name (string), represents the name of the primary traveler on the trip reservation
    • Required
  • age (integer), represents the age of the primary traveler on the trip reservation
    • Optional
  • email (string), represents the contact email of the primary traveler on the trip reservation
    • Required

Note: Feel free to dive into the source code

If this API documentation seems lacking, feel free to dive into the source code to find out what's going on. It's an API built in Ruby on Rails!