
KTH DD2380 Artificial Intelligence (ai14) Checkers Visualizer

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT

DD2380 Artificial Intelligence (ai14) Checkers Visualizer


This project is meant to provide a convenient way of tracking how the checkers-playing client that is the homework assignment 1 (HW1) in ai14 is performing. It allows the user to step forwards and backwards between the moves, viewing a graphical representation of what's going on together with highlighted client stdout and stderr output for the current move. The goal is to enable the user to get a better understanding and write a more efficient client.

Because of the limited scope and size of the project, it also serves as my personal testing ground for GTK+, Doxygen, Git, optimizations, coding styles and more.

Screenshot of the Checkers Visualizer's main window

The code works on at least Windows, OS X and Linux. Below, you'll find instructions on how to build the project on the different operating systems.

The program will only display what is sent to it. It doesn't know any of the rules of the game and assumes that the current game state is valid. I've tried to prevent it from crashing on invalid input, but it can be made to display nonsensical game states. In particular, it doesn't use information from past or future moves when rendering the current move, and it would happily display the game backwards if that's what's sent to it. This has the implication that the source code can't provide any unfair help by revealing algorithms useful for the homework.

Unfortunately, I can't reproduce the Checkers problem statement, as its license is restricted and used with permission. Furthermore, the skeleton code that is provided in the course doesn't mention a license, and I have to assume that similar rules apply. If you've discovered this repository at a point in time when these resources aren't available online anymore, please have a look at the Protocol section below.

If you do find this project useful for whatever reason, feel free to tell me about it and/or buy me a beer.

See also:


Start by downloading or cloning the repository, and read the instructions on how to prepare your particular operating system. Then proceed to General.


Although the program doesn't make use of the Windows-specific parts of GTK+, it compiles and runs well under Cygwin (tested on Windows 8).

Install Cygwin from its web page, and mark these packages for installation while you're at it:

  • gcc-core
  • libgtk2.0-devel
  • make
  • pkg-config
  • xinit
  • xorg-server

Those are enough to compile the Visualizer, but you might want other packages as well (such as gcc-g++ if you're writing your checkers player in C++).



While you can compile the project without having started Cygwin/X, you'll get the message Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: if you forget to start it before trying to run the application. Also remember that your executable will be written to build/visualizer.exe (not build/visualizer as in OS X or Linux).


The code compiles and runs well on OS X Mavericks (version 10.9). But there are differences between the versions and your mileage may vary.

First, install the Xcode command line tools. While waiting for Xcode to download, decide whether you want to use Homebrew or JHBuild. Homebrew makes the executable dependent on XQuartz.


Install XQuartz (otherwise you'll get stuck at the GTK+ step below), log out and log back in. Then go to Homebrew's website and run their Ruby install script. Then:

brew install pkg-config
brew install gtk+
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$PKG_CONFIG_PATH:/opt/X11/lib/pkgconfig

JHBuild and GTK-OSX

Go to the GTK-OSX website and go through the steps listed under "Procedure".

Don't forget that you need to start a jhbuild shell before you can compile the code:

jhbuild shell


The project was developed on Arch Linux and has been tested on Debian "Wheezy".

Arch Linux

Install the packages base-devel and gtk2.


Install the packages build-essential and libgtk2.0-dev.

Other distributions

It should be trivial to deduct what to do from the examples above. Basically, you want a C compiler, GNU Make, pkg-config and the header files for GTK+ version 2.


Once you've met all the requirements listed above, just run


in the project directory, alternatively

make strip

if you don't want to keep the symbols. On the other hand, you could run

make debug

to disable optimization, enable assertions and include debugging information in the executable.

If your version of make doesn't support the fancy syntax in Makefile, you can achieve essentially the same thing using

mkdir build
c99 -o build/visualizer src/*.c -O2 `pkg-config --cflags --libs gtk+-2.0`


make writes the executable at build/visualizer. The simplest way of running it is by skipping all arguments and just typing


The executable doesn't have any dependencies in the project directory and can be moved and installed anywhere (for example in your player client directory). If you've done that, you can then automate the execution using command lines like

./visualizer -1 './playerA init' -2 './playerB' -t 300 -r

This will initialize the command lines, set the animation timer at 300 milliseconds and run the clients immediately. Find out about all the options using

./visualizer -h

Note that the command lines won't be parsed by a shell, which means that you can't use syntax to expand arguments, or escape characters or whitespace. The arguments must be separated by exactly one space, and will be sent literally to the child process.


The code is written in standard C (C99), with the exception of the POSIX extensions kill(2) and getopt(3). It requires GTK+ version 2 with header files. In theory, it should run on a bunch of other operating systems as well, apart from the ones listed above. Let me know if you attempt it.


This is my interpretation (in Extended Backus-Naur Form) of the communications protocol between the player clients, after having read the skeleton code:

message     = game state, EOL ;
game state  = board, " ", description, " ", next player, " ", moves left ;
board       = 32 * 32 cell ;
cell        = empty cell | red | red king | white | white king ;
empty cell  = "." ;
red         = "r" ;
red king    = "R" ;
white       = "w" ;
white king  = "W" ;
description = static | move ;
static      = "-", ( beginning | red wins | white wins | draw | null move ) ;
beginning   = "1" ;
red wins    = "2" ;
white wins  = "3" ;
draw        = "4" ;
null move   = "5" ;
move        = normal move | jump ;
normal move = "0", waypoint, waypoint ;
jump        = "1", 2 * 2 waypoint
            | "2", 3 * 3 waypoint
            | "3", 4 * 4 waypoint
            | "4", 5 * 5 waypoint
            | "5", 6 * 6 waypoint
            | "6", 7 * 7 waypoint
            | "7", 8 * 8 waypoint
            | "8", 9 * 9 waypoint
            | "9", 10 * 10 waypoint ;
waypoint    = "_", cell id ;
cell id     = digit - "0"
            | ( "1" | "2" ), digit
            | "3", ( "0" | "1" | "2" ) ;
next player = red | white ;
moves left  = [ "1" | "2" | "3" | "4" ], digit
            | "5", "0" ;
digit       = "0" | "1" | "2" | "3" | "4" | "5" | "6" | "7" | "8" | "9" ;

One client is instructed to send the first message, and this client becomes the white player. After that, the clients take turns, sending exactly one message each until the game ends. The beginning and end of the game are always expressed in separate messages. The final "moves left" number represents the minimum number of moves remaining before the game ends in a draw. Perhaps counterintuitively, each message consists of a character telling which client wasn't sending the message (white sends "r" and red sends "w"). The idea is to indicate the color of the next player, but this character is also sent in end-of-game messages.

"W: " and "R: " in the following examples are not part of the actual messages, but added for readability. This is what the opening 11-15 would look like given the described protocol:

W: rrrrrrrrrrrr........wwwwwwwwwwww -1 r 50
R: rrrrrrrrrr.r..r.....wwwwwwwwwwww 0_11_15 w 49

The second string in the previous example can be represented as a two-dimensional board by adding extra whitespace while maintaining the internal order of the characters:

 r r r r
r r r r
 r r . r
. . r .
 . . . .
w w w w
 w w w w
w w w w

Here's a possible white victory:

W: ..WW..Ww.....R.....w............ 0_2_7 r 29
R: ..WW..Ww.R.........w............ 0_14_10 w 28
W: ..WW...w.....W.....w............ 1_7_14 r 50
R: ..WW...w.....W.....w............ -3 w 50

Here's what a draw might look like:

W: ..W..R.......................... 0_8_3 r 4
R: R.W............................. 0_6_1 w 3
W: R......W........................ 0_3_8 r 2
R: .....R.W........................ 0_1_6 w 1
W: ..W..R.......................... 0_8_3 r 0
R: ..W..R.......................... -4 w 0

Known issues

  • Under certain conditions, holding down the Ctrl or Shift key while selecting a row in the GtkTreeView will trick the application, as the widget doesn't report the correct selected row.
  • The command lines don't support escape characters. The command and arguments are separated by exactly one space. Hence, there's currently no way to use space within an argument.
  • There's a window resizing glitch in Awesome WM when using the grip in the lower right corner. Mod4 + Button3 works as it should, as well as resizing in GNOME. I haven't tried it in other window managers.
  • Pulling the GtkHPaned divider to its extremes will make gtk_widget_size_allocate() output a warning ("attempt to allocate widget with width -XX and height YY").
  • The output buffers don't support the ANSI color codes that the skeleton code (provided in the course) writes. Fixing this is non-trivial since the buffers aren't terminals, and it's not a goal of mine as the visualizer is intended as a replacement for the verbose mode.
  • Resize and redraw operations are running with a lower priority than other events. As a consequence, if a player client continuously outputs data (for example because it's stuck in an infinite loop), this will make the Visualizer appear to be frozen, although that's not necessarily the case.
  • When a client writes frequently to stderr, the Visualizer uses 100% CPU and continues to do so also after the clients have exited. This probably indicates that the GLib event loop is clogged with low-priority events. This should be investigated.