A ESP8266 based DSMR reader, posting messages onto MQTT.
Can be powered directly from the meter itself, no external power supply needed*.
* if enough power can be supplied by the meter.
The code should work on DSRM v2.2 and higher, only tested on V4.2.
Supports Dutch and Belgian smart meters.
- Arduino IDE / VS code
- ESP8266 board (Wemos/LOLIN D1 mini/ESP01/NodeMCU)
- Basic soldering and wiring skills
- (For Wemos d1 mini) CH340G driver [link]
- Prototype board / breadboard / PCB
- RJ11/12/25 cable
- PubSubClient - MQTT client
- Core for ESP8266 - Arduino core for ESP8266 WiFi chip
Name | unit | DSMR code | MQTT topic |
DSMR version | - | 1-3:0.2.8 | <MQTT_TOPIC>/version |
Status | online | - | <MQTT_TOPIC>/status |
Name | unit | DSMR code | MQTT topic |
current power consumption | kW | 1-0:1.7.0 | <MQTT_TOPIC>/power/consumption |
current power production | kW | 1-0:2.7.0 | <MQTT_TOPIC>/power/production |
total consumption tariff 1 | kWh | 1-0:1.8.1 | <MQTT_TOPIC>/power/total_consumption_tariff_1 |
total consumption tariff 2 | kWh | 1-0:1.8.2 | <MQTT_TOPIC>/power/total_consumption_tariff_2 |
total production tariff 1 | kWh | 1-0:2.8.1 | <MQTT_TOPIC>/power/total_production_tariff_1 |
total production tariff 2 | kWh | 1-0:2.8.2 | <MQTT_TOPIC>/power/total_production_tariff_2 |
power tariff | See tariffs | 0-0:96.14.0 | <MQTT_TOPIC>/power/power_tariff |
short power outages | - | 0-0:96.7.21 | <MQTT_TOPIC>/power/short_power_outages |
long power outages | - | 0-0:96.7.9 | <MQTT_TOPIC>/power/long_power_outages |
instant current phase 1 | A | 1-0:31.7.0 | <MQTT_TOPIC>/power/phase_1/current |
instant current phase 2 | A | 1-0:51.7.0 | <MQTT_TOPIC>/power/phase_2/current |
instant current phase 3 | A | 1-0:71.7.0 | <MQTT_TOPIC>/power/phase_3/current |
instant usage phase 1 | kW | 1-0:21.7.0 | <MQTT_TOPIC>/power/phase_1/usage |
instant usage phase 2 | kW | 1-0:41.7.0 | <MQTT_TOPIC>/power/phase_2/usage |
instant usage phase 3 | kW | 1-0:61.7.0 | <MQTT_TOPIC>/power/phase_3/usage |
instant delivery phase 1 | kW | 1-0:22.7.0 | <MQTT_TOPIC>/power/phase_1/delivery |
instant delivery phase 2 | kW | 1-0:42.7.0 | <MQTT_TOPIC>/power/phase_2/delivery |
instant delivery phase 3 | kW | 1-0:62.7.0 | <MQTT_TOPIC>/power/phase_3/delivery |
short drops phase 1 | - | 1-0:32.32.0 | <MQTT_TOPIC>/power/phase_1/drops |
short drops phase 2 | - | 1-0:52.32.0 | <MQTT_TOPIC>/power/phase_2/drops |
short drops phase 3 | - | 1-0:72.32.0 | <MQTT_TOPIC>/power/phase_3/drops |
short peaks phase 1 | - | 1-0:32.36.0 | <MQTT_TOPIC>/power/phase_1/peaks |
short peaks phase 2 | - | 1-0:52.36.0 | <MQTT_TOPIC>/power/phase_2/peaks |
short peaks phase 3 | - | 1-0:72.36.0 | <MQTT_TOPIC>/power/phase_3/peaks |
timestamp | - | 0-0:1.0.0 | <MQTT_TOPIC>/power/timestamp |
device id | - | 0-0:96.1.1 | <MQTT_TOPIC>/power/device |
Name | unit | DSMR code | MQTT topic |
total gas | m3 | 0-1:24.2.1 | <MQTT_TOPIC>/gas/total |
timestamp | - | 0-1:24.2.1 | <MQTT_TOPIC>/gas/timestamp |
device id | - | 0-1:96.1.0 | <MQTT_TOPIC>/gas/device |
The meter has a power tariff property, and is used for the total consumption/production counters.
The values for the day and night tariffs are different in the Netherlands compared to Belgium.
Country | tariff | value |
NL | Night (low) | tariff_1 |
NL | Day (high) | tariff_2 |
BE | Night (low) | tariff_2 |
BE | Day (high) | tariff_1 |
Copy Settings.example.h
to Settings.h
and fill in the correct data.
Setting | default | Description |
WIFI_HOSTNAME | ESP-DSMR | device name on network |
WIFI_SSID | - | Wifi name to connect to |
WIFI_PASSWORD | - | Wifi password |
MQTT_HOST_NAME | - | MQTT broker address |
MQTT_PORT | 1883 | MQTT broker port |
MQTT_USER_NAME | - | MQTT user name |
MQTT_PASSWORD | - | MQTT password |
MQTT_PREFIX | dsmr | MQTT prefix |
USE_CLIENT_ID | FALSE | Use clientId in prefix |
View scheme (pdf).
Using a level shifter inverter to get the serial output from the meter into the ESP.
The board can be powered directly from the meters power supply (this can vary between models).
Create your own with the Gerber files (zip)
I designed a case to be 3D printed, it fits the board loosely, and is meant to be glued shut
STL files are found in the STL folder
Type | Amount |
ESP8266 board | 1 |
Prototyping board or PCB | 1 |
2.2k resistor (0805) | 2 |
1k resistor (0805) | 1 |
BC547 or BC817 (SOT-23) | 2 |
470uf cap. 8x12mm | 1 |
Connecting to the DSMR with a RJ11/12/25 (6p6c or 6p4c) cable plugged into the Port 1 (P1), found on all supported smart meters.
DSRM P1 | Description | PCB Pin |
1* | +5v | 6 (5v) |
2 | Request | 5 (5v) |
3 | Data GND | 4 (GND) |
4 | N.C. | N.C. |
5 | Data | 2 (Data) |
6* | Power GND | 1 (GND) |
* 1 and 6 are not needed if powered by USB.
- Some DSMR cannot deliver enough power to run the Wemos stably.
Connect a 5V usb supply to fix this.
Are you missing a property? don't be afraid to open a issue, or contribute to this repo yourself!