
V-Ray for Fabric Engine

Primary LanguageC++

V-Ray for Fabric Engine

Canvas Screenshot This project wraps the V-Ray Application SDK and provides bindings to Fabric Engine's scripting language, KL. It also exposes those bindings in Fabric Engine's graphical programming application, Canvas.

The documentation and examples below assume a Linux environment.


  • latest build of V-Ray Application SDK.
  • Fabric Engine 2.0.x
  • Python 2.7.x
  • SCons build system.


V-Ray Application SDK

V-Ray Application SDK requires the following environment variables to be set:


Example (Linux/bash):

export VRAY_PATH=/opt/chaosgroup/vrayappsdk/20151029/bin
export VRAY_SDK=/opt/chaosgroup/vrayappsdk/20151029
export PATH=${PATH}:/opt/chaosgroup/vrayappsdk/20151029/bin
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:/opt/chaosgroup/vrayappsdk/20151029/bin
export PYTHONPATH=${PYTHONPATH}:/opt/chaosgroup/vrayappsdk/20151029/python27/bin

Fabric Engine

Fabric Engine requires the following environment variables to be set:


Example (Linux/bash):

export FABRIC_DIR=/opt/fabricsoftware/fabric-engine/FabricEngine-2.0.0-Linux-x86_64
export FABRIC_EDK_DIR=/opt/fabricsoftware/fabric-engine/FabricEngine-2.0.0-Linux-x86_64
export FABRIC_EXTS_PATH=/opt/fabricsoftware/fabric-engine/FabricEngine-2.0.0-Linux-x86_64/Exts
export FABRIC_DFG_PATH=/opt/fabricsoftware/fabric-engine/FabricEngine-2.0.0-Linux-x86_64/Presets/DFG
export PATH=${PATH}:/opt/fabricsoftware/fabric-engine/FabricEngine-2.0.0-Linux-x86_64/bin
export PYTHONPATH=${PYTHONPATH}:/opt/fabricsoftware/fabric-engine/FabricEngine-2.0.0-Linux-x86_64/Python/2.7


To build vray-for-fabric, simply run scons from the top-level project directory. This will generate the necessary headers, compile source, generate canvas dfg presets, and copy all relevant files to an extension directory ./stage. All intermediate files are created in the ./build directory. These directories will be (re)created each time scons is run.

cd <vray-for-fabric dir>

To clean, run scons -c. This will remove everything in the ./build and ./stage directories, but not the directories themselves.

scons -c


In order to test vray-for-fabric, a few environment variables need to be appended and a couple new ones set. This can be accomplished by sourcing the shell script source.sh located in the ./test directory.

source ./test/source.sh

Commandline test using the kl tool:

This test will load the ./test/test.vrscene and generate a render.png file and re-export the vrscene as dump.vrscene.

kl ./test/test.kl

GUI test using the canvas application:

canvas ./test/test.canvas