Simple Pointing Poker with quick joining and dark mode, built on top of Phoenix Framework. Available at
To start your Phoenix server:
- Install dependencies with
mix deps.get
- Install Node.js dependencies with
cd assets && npm install
- Start Phoenix endpoint with
mix phx.server
Now you can visit localhost:4000
from your browser.
For security replace SECRET_KEY_BASE value. The key given below is just an example.
You can generate new key by running: mix phx.gen.secret
ADMIN_PASSWORD="mypassword" SECRET_KEY_BASE=PBd3wijcYcO+nHS7uIbtYFY7HWc1R/VTjPpuFzeZDUBH4CGjO/VjONjr2WdI7utG docker build --build-arg SECRET_KEY_BASE -t cinekdawidziuk/scrumpoker .
docker stop ScrumPoker
docker rm ScrumPoker
docker run --env SECRET_KEY_BASE=PBd3wijcYcO+nHS7uIbtYFY7HWc1R/VTjPpuFzeZDUBH4CGjO/VjONjr2WdI7utG --publish 3401:4000 --restart=always --name ScrumPoker cinekdawidziuk/scrumpoker:latest
Now you can visit localhost:3401
from your browser.
You can also acess Phoenix Live Dashboard with admin
as your username and mypassword
as your password on localhost:3401/dashboard
For SSL I recommend running it through Ngnix reverse proxy.