
A python tool for simple management of knowledge tracing data.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Knowledge tracing data fiddler

A python project that allows easy management of knowledge tracing data

  • Easy conversion between commonly used data format
  • Data cleaning
    • Convert non-binary correctnesses into binary correctness
    • Remove (csv) rows where critical values are missing
  • Group non-grouped data by students to obtain attempt sequences per student
  • Filter data
    • By maximum attempt count (by splitting or cutting)
    • By minimum attempt count
  • Split into train and test set
  • Split into kfold train and test sets
  • Print data statistics in different formats

Attempts-skills-corrects (asc) format

Contains student attempt sequences in row triples that contain:

  1. Number of attempts
  2. Skill ids of attempts
  3. Attempt correctnesses

Example contents for two students:



Python >3.6

conda install scikit-learn pandas

or (use pip3 if pip points to python 2)

pip install scikit-learn pandas


From csv to asc format using default column names.

python converter.py my.csv my.asc --out-format asc

From to yudelson-bkt (hmm-scalable) format with specified column names

python converter.py my.csv my.tsv --out-format yudelson-bkt --user-col student-id --exercise-col problem-id --skill-col problem-id --correct-col is-correct

Show all options

python converter.py -h

Running tests

python -m unittest discover -s tests