
Simple xrandr helper made as a rust practice project

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Simple multi-monitor brightness manager helper tool made as as a rust practice project.

Main use: set brightness of multiple displays with single command. (and learn rust along the way)

Note: if you just want a helper for xrandr with multiple monitors, check out https://github.com/Ventto/mons



In repository root:

development: cargo build -> target/debug/rusty-brightness

optimized: cargo build --release -> target/release/rusty-brightness

Enable anywhere in terminal

After build:

move the file to directory specified in $PATH

cp target/release|debug/rusty-brightness <path-sepecifiend in $PATH>

e.g. sudo cp target/release|debug/rusty-brightness /usr/local/bin

or without sudo:

create a local user directory for binaries

mdkir -p $HOME/bin

add it to path in shell rc file unless you already have made one.

  • the example is for bash (bourne again shell)
  • show shell name in terminal when in doubt: echo $0

echo 'export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/bin"' > $HOME/.bashrc

source the rc file to apply changes in current terminal

. $HOME/.bashrc

move the file

mdkir -p $HOME/bin && cp target/release|debug/rusty-brightness $HOME/bin



change all monitors' brightness to half:

rusty-brightness 0.5 -a

change first two monitors' brightnesses:

rusty-brightness .6 .4

change second monitor's brightnesses:

rusty-brightness .8 -i 2

displayed with rusty-brightness -h
    rusty-brightness [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] <BRIGHTNESS>...

    <BRIGHTNESS>...    floating point value between 0 and 1 [default: 0.5]

    -a, --all        
    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    -i, --display_index <display_index>...    integer
    -n, --display_name <display_name>...      string point value
    -v, --verbosity <verbosity>               Sets the level of verbosity [default: 0]