timeline image not discern main screen scaled
Opened this issue · 5 comments
The generated timeline on retina iphone or iphone 6 are not scaled and result in blurred image. Could you help me to resolve this issue ?
Yeah, totally. Can you give me the file-names of the offending images?
Grayson Lawrence
Assistant Professor of Communication Design
Texas State University
p: 512.245.1546
t: @grayscaletx
w: www.grayscalestudio.com
From: Appsido <notifications@github.commailto:notifications@github.com>
Reply-To: jaminschubert/JSVideoScrubber <reply@reply.github.commailto:reply@reply.github.com>
Date: Wednesday, November 26, 2014 at 3:37 AM
To: jaminschubert/JSVideoScrubber <JSVideoScrubber@noreply.github.commailto:JSVideoScrubber@noreply.github.com>
Subject: [JSVideoScrubber] timeline image not discern main screen scaled (#3)
The generated timeline on retina iphone or iphone 6 are not scaled and result in blurred image. Could you help me to resolve this issue ?
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I'm not sure to have been correctly explaining the problem. The generated timeline has thumbnails taken from video files to generate the video scrubber. These video thumbnails have a scale factor of 1 but i'm using an iphone 6 that as a scale factor of 2. The resulting generated timeline has video thumbnails blurred. Since the thumbnails and timeline are generated at runtime i don't understand which filenames i may provide.
Hey there,
I am happy to give that shot. I'll try it out in the iPhone 6/plus simulator and see what happens.
That would be great if this issue can be solved. Nice component by the way.
Do you have any updates on this issue ?