
The purpose of the website is to provide an online catalog for a small local library, where users can browse, read available books and manage their accounts

Primary LanguageTypeScriptGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

E-Kitaab Store

_The purpose of the website is to provide an online catalog for a small local library, where users can browse, read available books and manage their accounts_

Non-Functional Features

- SEO support added : robots.txt, sitemap.xml, sitemap generator on every build run
- CSP header added for all route : XSS protection, content security
- CORS added for route handlers : Access-Control-Allow-Origin, Access-Control-Allow-Methods
- Mongodb connection for Dev & Prod : Global type for Mongoclient (Dev)
- Env variables support : security headers, sitemap, mongodb uri
- Typescript support
- Core Web-Vitals support
- Responsive behavior
- Bundle analyzer support
- Enabled SWCMinify : Replaced Terser with SWC for minifying JavaScript
- Express-validator : NextJS APIs validator with Middleware to integrate with express-validator
- Formik & Yup : Implemented to render forms, submit data & client validation
- useMemo, React.memo, useCallback : Memiozed & optimize component performance
- HOC :  Reuse component logic, form layout, page layout
- Constants : Static dropdown values
- ValidationRules : Added to validate & sanitize inputs at API route handler
- Helper : utility functions added
- Engine Locking : Developers to use the same Node engine and package manager. (.nvmrc - which version of Node), (.npmrc - which package manager)
- Code Formatting : Prettier take care of automatically formatting our files for us (.prettierrc)
- Quality Tools : EsLint - For best practices on coding standards.  (.eslintrc.json)
- Git Hooks : Husky is a tool for running scripts at different stages of the git process, for example add, commit, push, etc
    - npx husky add .husky/pre-commit "npm run lint" : Run eslint rules before commit
    - npx husky add .husky/pre-push "npm run build" : Build project before commit
    - commitlint.config.js : follow a standard convention for all our commit messages


<img width="1470" alt="image" src="https://github.com/sjshank/eKitaab-Store/assets/17022643/a4e8854c-909d-434e-9b7b-6b8568b065d2">

<img width="1470" alt="image" src="https://github.com/sjshank/eKitaab-Store/assets/17022643/67940f2a-f1b8-420a-b3b0-b59051a12a64">

<img width="1470" alt="image" src="https://github.com/sjshank/eKitaab-Store/assets/17022643/31bb4bc4-620c-45db-aba8-ea5682b984bc">

<img width="1470" alt="image" src="https://github.com/sjshank/eKitaab-Store/assets/17022643/2a11e5e3-0ba9-4f1c-b58f-88f7fbd8e370">

<img width="1470" alt="image" src="https://github.com/sjshank/eKitaab-Store/assets/17022643/cdf90596-e1f4-4efa-b3e5-b4a2ae7f6c93">

<img width="1470" alt="image" src="https://github.com/sjshank/eKitaab-Store/assets/17022643/384618d3-1428-4ede-8bf6-844cb5c1e917">


- React :  [18.2](https://react.dev/learn/installation)
- MUI : [5.15](https://mui.com/)
- MongoDB : [6.4](https://www.mongodb.com/)
- Formik : [2.4](https://formik.org/)
- Typescript : [5](https://www.typescriptlang.org/)
- Snyk : [1.12](https://snyk.io/)