
Library to download and parse the NFL API

Primary LanguageRuby

This gem supports downloading and parsing the JSON files provided by the NFL. Their API provides data for their mobile apps, and the JSON is available as files on Amazon S3.

To determine the current week, you need to look up "AllWeeks". Do that like so:

all_weeks_downloader = NFL::Download::AllWeeksDownloader.new
all_weeks_parser = NFL::Parse::AllWeeksParser.new
all_weeks = all_weeks_parser.parse(all_weeks_downloader.download)

You can then determine the current week:


After determining the week you want, you'll want to get the schedule:

schedule_downloader = NFL::Download::ScheduleDownloader.new(:week => all_weeks.current)
schedule_parser = NFL::Parse::ScheduleParser.new
schedule = schedule_parser.parse(schedule_downloader.download)

The schedule will let you jump to next/previous weeks, if you like:

next_week_downloader = NFL::Download::ScheduleDownloader.new(:week => schedule.week.next)
next_week_schedule = schedule_parser.parse(next_week_downloader.download)

It also has all the games that are being played this week:

game = schedule.games[0]
puts "#{game.away_team.name} vs #{game.home_team.name}"

If you want to download an individual game, you can do that too:

game_downloader = NFL::Download::GameDownloader.new(game.game_id)
game_parser = NFL::Parse::GameParser.new
my_game = game_parser.parse(game_downloader.download)
puts "#{my_game.away_team.name} vs #{my_game.home_team.name}"