- 1 can't be started successfully in the second time if it was killed
#10 opened by hywel1994 - 0
todo list: routing
#13 opened by hywel1994 - 0
todo list: mission planning
#14 opened by hywel1994 - 2
todo list: sailboat gazebo simulation
#2 opened by hywel1994 - 1
todo list: sensor fusion
#3 opened by hywel1994 - 0
todo list: sailboat self-test
#4 opened by hywel1994 - 0
- 0
todo list: compatible usv
#6 opened by hywel1994 - 1
todo list: object detection
#7 opened by hywel1994 - 1
- 0
can't catkin_make without internet
#9 opened by hywel1994