
SJTU course AI3617

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


SJTU course AI3617


1. Submodule updates: Clone this repository to your local workspcae, then run git submodule upate --init to pull submodules.

2. Install Requirements: run pip install -r reuqirements.txt

Isaac Gym

Details regarding installation of IsaacGym can be found here.


We provide 2 ways:

  1. algorithm and environment: ptzoo/, training examples are listed under: examples/pettingzoo_*.py

  2. a lightweight framework based on tianshou, https://github.com/Leo-xh/MARL-Comm


RLCard provides 4 algorithms as baselines, refer to https://rlcard.org/algorithms.html.

Olympics Running

An implementation of PPO is given in https://github.com/sjtu-marl/Competition_Olympics-Running.