
PyTorch implementation of the paper "Defining and extracting generalizable interaction primitives from DNNs" (ICLR 2024)

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Generalizable interactions

This repository contains the Python implementation of the paper "Defining and extracting generalizable interaction primitives from DNNs", ICLR 2024. The paper develops a new method to extract generalizable interactions shared by different DNNs (see papers for details and citations).


Generalizable interactions shared by different DNNs can be installed in the Python 3 environment:

pip3 install git+https://github.com/sjtu-xai-lab/generalizable-interaction

How to use

Given two DNNs trained for the same task

  • Task 1: Sentiment classification with language models

Directly access the pre-trained BERT-base and BERT-large models, which were fine-tined on the SST-2 dataset in Google Drive. You can download pretrained_model.zip and unzip it into path like ./pretrained_model/task1/....

Computing generalizable interactions extracted from DNNs

To compute generalizable interactions extracted from two DNNs, you can use codes like the following:

python eval_interaction_text.py  --interaction='generalizable'  --model_path_1='BERT-base.pth.tar' --model_path_2='BERT-large.pth.tar'

then you can extract AND-OR interactions from the first DNN at paths ./output/task1/generalizable/Iand_1.npy and ./output/task1/generalizable/Ior_1.npy, and AND-OR interactions from the second DNN at paths ./output/task1/generalizable/Iand_2.npy and ./output/task1/generalizable/Ior_2.npy.

More details

In contrast, to compute traditional interactions extracted from a DNN (github), you can use codes like the following:

python eval_interaction_text.py  --interaction='traditional'  --model_path='BERT-base.pth.tar' --sparsify-lr=1e-6

then you can extract AND-OR interactions from the DNN at paths ./output/task1/traditional/{model}/Iand.npy and ./output/task1/traditional/{model}/Ior.npy

Sample notebooks

We provide Jupyter notebooks for all tasks to compare generalizable interactions with traditional interactions in the folder notebooks.


  title = {Defining and extracting generalizable interaction primitives from DNNs},
  author = {Lu, Chen and Siyu, Lou and Benhao, Huang and Quanshi, Zhang},
  booktitle = {The Twelfth International Conference on Learning Representations},
  year = {2024}