
Refactoring Version 2,Written by Martin Fowler,the founder of Agile Development



Kent Beck

One of the most influential pioneers in the development of design patterns, the founder of Extreme Programming, the proponent of code bad taste, the pioneer of test-driven development, developed the JUnit framework.

Martin Fowler

The founder of agile development, the author of the refactoring book, the master of microservice architecture, is now the chief scientist of ThoughtWorks.


  • Mysterious Name
  • Duplicated Code
  • Long Function
  • Long Parameter List
  • Global Data
  • Mutable Data
  • Divergent Change
  • Shotgun Surgery
  • Feature Envy
  • Data Clumps
  • Primitive Obsession
  • Repeated Switches
  • Loops
  • Lazy Elements
  • Speculative Generality
  • Temporary Field
  • Message Chains
  • Middle Man
  • Insider Trading
  • Large Class
  • Alternative Class with Different Interfaces
  • Data Class
  • Refused Bequest
  • Comments


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Methods are now temporarily in the Version 1 in another github project.
For further reading, please buy the book and enjoy yourself.