Referee Coach



  • Start DB in Docker container:
    docker compose -p referee-coach -f src/main/docker/mysql.yml down && docker compose -p referee-coach -f src/main/docker/mysql.yml up --build
  • For test: docker compose -p referee-coach -f src/test/docker/mysql-test.yml up --build



There are 2 apps in the pipeline:

  • STAGING: develop branch
  • PRODUCTION: main branch

They use the same codebase, but have different config vars (Heroku Dashboard -> Settings).
Also, for the STAGING-app we must activate another Maven profile, so the frontend-maven-plugin runs the correct build-configuration (that uses the environment.staging.ts). If no specific Maven profile is defined, production build is triggered. The profile is activated using the MAVEN_CUSTOM_OPTS config var (only needed for STAGING).