
MARS from SJULTRA works with MCT to test security solutions. API based javascript code with docker file to perform health check reports on various cloud hosted services. Works with Azure DevOps and Jenkins pipelines using included YAML example files.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Project Mars ☄️

The main goal of the project Mars is to provide an easy to use log agregation and report generation platform.




  1. NodeJS

initial setup:

npm install 

Any file/folder containing .local will be ignored by git

test run the app:

node main.js -c config.local/config.local.json

Getting started:

  1. Compiling a Config that fulfills the needs
  2. Running the docker container

The example assums that the following folders exist:

  1. config.local - containing a correct config.local.json
  2. output.local - a empty folder that will have the logs gathered from the tool

Config - All paths for the that point to files should be written with the idea that in the example the folder structure is as follows:

  • /root/Mars - $HOME
  • /root/Mars/config - config folder
  • /root/Mars/output - output folder

To run the docker run command

docker run --name=Mars -d \
--mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)"/config,target=/root/Mars/config \
--mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)"/output,target=/root/Mars/output \
 sjultra/mars:latest /bin/bash  -c "node main.js -c ./config/config.local.json"