
Writing kubernetes controllers can be simple

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

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Metacontroller is an add-on for Kubernetes that makes it easy to write and deploy custom controllers in the form of simple scripts.

A New Home

This is the new community owned and actively maintained home for Metacontroller. The open-source project started by GKE is no longer maintained. All future updates and releases for Metacontroller will come from this repository. In time, all issues from the previous repository will be triaged and moved here. We are excited to move forward with Metacontroller as a community maintained project. A big thank you to all of the wonderful Metacontroller community members that made this happen!

Following is the immediate plan of actions:


Please see the documentation site for details on how to install, use, or contribute to Metacontroller.


Please file GitHub issues for bugs, feature requests, and proposals.

Join the #metacontroller channel on Kubernetes Slack.


See CONTRIBUTING.md and the contributor guide.


This project is licensed under the Apache License 2.0.