
The public-facing marketing site for BrickHack

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The public facing website for BrickHack.

Registration + management site: hackathon_manager

Getting Started

Code environment

Ensure you have Git set up and SSH access to GitHub. If you have Git but not SSH, you can clone using the HTTPS url, however you'll have to type in your GitHub credentials every time.

$ git clone git@github.com:codeRIT/brickhack.io.git
$ cd brickhack.io

You should then be able to open the code in your editor of choice.

Spin up the services locally

  1. Download & install Docker
  2. Open/start Docker
  3. Once docker is started, build & bring up the website:
docker-compose up --build
  1. You should now be able to access the website at http://localhost:3000 Windows users: be sure to accept the security pop-ups - they might be hidden! The website will not start until you accept them.

Running tests

Tests validate all of our pages load correctly.

  1. Copy the sample environment variables (cp .env.sample .env)
  2. Run the test suite using Docker:
docker-compose run web rails test

Browser Testing

Thanks to BrowserStack's open source program, we have access to cross-browser testing! We test for cross-browser compatibility with BrowserStack's Live product. Talk to a maintainer to gain access to our account.

BrowserStack Logo

Docker Tooling

  • If you need to restart the Rails server:
docker-compose restart web
  • If you need to make changes to the Gemfile:
# 1. Make your changes to Gemfile
# 2. Run a `bundle install` to update the Gemfile.lock
docker-compose run web bundle install
# 3. Update the "web" docker image
docker-compose build web
# 4. Start the new container.
#    If `docker-compose up` isn't already running, exclude "-d"
docker-compose up -d web
  • If you make a change to the Gemfile, such as for installing a new gem:
docker-compose run web bundle install
docker-compose restart web
  • If you need to update a gem:
docker-compose run web bundle update the-gem
docker-compose restart web

You can follow the same format for db and redis, though you shouldn't ever need to restart those.

Development & Deployment

All development work should be done locally in a new branch and/or fork. Then, make a pull request to have the code merged into the develop branch. Once the develop branch gets to a good state, it gets merged into the master branch for a production deployment.

Code pushed to any codeRIT/brickhack.io branch will automatically build on Travis CI for tests. Any build on the develop or master branches will also trigger a deploy to our instance(s) of Dokku - staging for develop, production for master. Performance data of the production environment is available on Skylight.

See the Production Environment Setup page for details.