
上海交通大学 Beamer 模版 | Beamer template for Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Primary LanguageTeXApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

SJTUBeamer 🤓

Welcome! 🥳

This is the beamer template exclusively for Shanghai Jiaotong University students to give a speech on group meeting or course project.

Usage 🧰

For Overleaf users, you can directly download the zip file from github and upload it to https://latex.sjtu.edu.cn to use this template.

If you want to use this template locally, simply download zip file and run latexmk -xelatex.

Design Philosophy 💭

  • To design the template as simple as possible, since everyone can modify it according to their preferences with a little knowledge of latex syntax and beamer.
  • The theme is my favorate, you can change it to other themes or make a small modification.
  • The main color beaver is mostly like SJTU-Red which is more often seen in official occasion.
  • The SJTU logo and the background is downloaded from https://vi.sjtu.edu.cn.

Contribution 👷

I'm still a freshman in creating beamer template, so feel free to open an issue or contact me via cascades@sjtu.edu.cn. Hoping this template could help many students as https://github.com/sjtug/SJTUThesis.

Appearance 🧐

