Understanding Module Federation Microfrontends with create-mf-app Now, we have an easy way to create a microfrontend app without all the webpack configuration using create-mf-app. I will be using it in this article to explain Microfrontends with module federation If you are new to Microfrontends, you may start with the following articles Micro-Frontends: What, why, and how In my previous articles (links at the end of this article and here), I showed hands-on what are Micro Frontends and how…www.linkedin.com Microfrontends with Module Federation: What, Why, and How "Module Federation gives us a new method of sharing code between frontend applications. " The previous sentence is…www.linkedin.com
Microfrontend consists of a host and multiple microfrontends. The host can host components as we will see. This is what we will create in this article as shown below:
Creating a Microfrontend Host Let's create a host using create-mf-app