Sequence Alignment Problem



  • The dynamic programming approach is used in the basic version of sequence alignment problem solution.
  • The combination of divide and conquer, and dynamic programming is used in the efficient version of the sequence alignment algorithm.
  • Here, the problem is divided into sub problems and solve them recursively.
  • In each subproblem, The string X is split into half and the position y_split_pos is calculated by memory efficient version of sequence alignment to split Y string.
  • Finally, the base case is to find out the alignment when length of X and Y is less than or equal to 2.


Basic version
Time Complexity: O(m*n)
Space Complexity: O(m*n)
Efficient version
Time Complexity: O(m*n)
Space Complexity: O(m+n)

Time Comparison

  • Time taken by efficient version is higher than the basic version of sequence alignment algorithm.
  • The overhead of recursion for divide and conquer, as well as the overhead for finding y_split_pos for Y string causes the time. for efficient algorithm to be little greater than basic version which contains only m*n iterations.
  • Therefore, the overhead associated with the efficient algorithm causes the time to be a bit greater than the basic version.

image CPUPlot

Memory Comparison

  • The efficient algorithm uses 2*k (k being the size of Y string) array to calculate the minimum sequence alignment for every recursion in divide_and_conquer method. Hence, the max memory allocated will be less than 2*n (n is the max size of string Y).
  • Whereas, in case of basic version, the memory allocated is m*n, which causes the memory size to increase linearly proportional to the input size.

image MemoryPlot


Made with


  • Sameer Khan Mohammad (Memory Efficient Version)
  • Manidhar Mulagapaka (String Generator)
  • Namrata Vasant Naik (Basic Version)
  • Namrata Vasant Naik
  • Sameer Khan Mohammad
Report preparation
  • Sameer Khan Mohammad
  • Manidhar Mulagapaka
  • Namrata Vasant Naik
Code Version Control
  • Manidhar Mulagapaka