
A custom Value Metric for Nova that provide linked ranges and multiple values on the same card

Primary LanguagePHP

Custom Value Metric-DarkCustom Value Metric-Light

Custom Value Metric

A custom value metric for Nova. It brings new functionalities to the usual Value Metric, like:

  • Showing not only the percentage of change between the current value and the previous one, but also the previous value itself.
  • The ability to link the range dates of a group of metrics so that changing one you would change the ones on the other linked metrics too.
  • The ability to show more than one value metric on the same card.


PHP 8.1+ is required, as well as Nova 3+.

composer require sk4t0/custom-value-metric


To use it you need to extend the CustomValueMetric class on your metric class, instead of the usual Value one. Than you can write your calculate, ranges etc... methods as you would do in a normal Value Metric.


namespace App\Nova\Metrics;

use App\Models\User;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Sk4t0\CustomValueMetric\CustomValueMetric;

class NewUsers extends CustomValueMetric
     * Calculate the value of the metric.
     * @param  \Illuminate\Http\Request  $request
     * @return mixed
    public function calculate(Request $request)
        return $this->count($request, User::class);

     * Get the ranges available for the metric.
     * @return array
    public function ranges()
        return [
            30 => '30 Days',
            60 => '60 Days',
            365 => '365 Days',
            'TODAY' => 'Today',
            'MTD' => 'Month To Date',
            'QTD' => 'Quarter To Date',
            'YTD' => 'Year To Date',

     * Get the URI key for the metric.
     * @return string
    public function uriKey()
        return 'new-users';

This will result in metric that would be exactly as a classic Nova value metric, but showing also the value for the previous date range.

Grouped ranges for multiple metrics cards

You can use this package to also link the date ranges of multiple metric cards. This means that you can write different metrics and, when you will change the range dates for one metric card of the group, it will change also for all the other metric cards of the same group. To do so you would just need to add public bool $grouped = true; and a name for the html class of the group public string $classGroup = 'class-name';


namespace App\Nova\Metrics;

use App\Models\User;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Sk4t0\CustomValueMetric\CustomValueMetric;

class NewUsers extends CustomValueMetric
	public bool $grouped = true;
	public string $classGroup = 'users';
     * Calculate the value of the metric.
     * @param  \Illuminate\Http\Request  $request
     * @return mixed
    public function calculate(Request $request)
        return $this->count($request, User::class);

     * Get the ranges available for the metric.
     * @return array
    public function ranges()
        return [
            30 => '30 Days',
            60 => '60 Days',
            365 => '365 Days',
            'TODAY' => 'Today',
            'MTD' => 'Month To Date',
            'QTD' => 'Quarter To Date',
            'YTD' => 'Year To Date',

     * Get the URI key for the metric.
     * @return string
    public function uriKey()
        return 'new-users';



namespace App\Nova\Metrics;

use App\Models\User;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Sk4t0\CustomValueMetric\CustomValueMetric;

class AverageUsersAge extends CustomValueMetric
	public bool $grouped = true;
	public string $classGroup = 'users';
     * Calculate the value of the metric.
     * @param  \Illuminate\Http\Request  $request
     * @return mixed
    public function calculate(Request $request)
        return $this->average($request, User::class, 'age');

     * Get the ranges available for the metric.
     * @return array
    public function ranges()
        return [
            30 => '30 Days',
            60 => '60 Days',
            365 => '365 Days',
            'TODAY' => 'Today',
            'MTD' => 'Month To Date',
            'QTD' => 'Quarter To Date',
            'YTD' => 'Year To Date',

     * Get the URI key for the metric.
     * @return string
    public function uriKey()
        return 'average-users-age';

Doing this you would have 2 metrics that, if placed on the same dashboard or resource would have the date ranges linked and, changing the range on the first one it would change also on the second one.

Put multiple metrics on the same metric card

You also have the ability to put more than one metric on the same metric card. This would change the graphic of the card to show the list of the metrics that you would add. To do it you would need to add public bool $multi = true; . Here, in the calculate method, instead of using the classical sum, count, average, min and max methods, you will need to use the addMetric method, defining inside the name of the metric to show on the list and the operation, in this way: addMetric($name, $model, $function, $column = null, $dateColumn = null). You can call the modifiers you were able to call on the sum, count ... methods, like prefix, suffix, format, currency etc and then, on the same object, another metric always using addMetric. After that, you will need to call the multiAggregate method passing it the request


namespace App\Nova\Metrics;

use App\Models\User;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Sk4t0\CustomValueMetric\CustomValueMetric;

class UserMetrics extends CustomValueMetric
	public bool $multi = true;
     * Calculate the value of the metric.
     * @param  \Illuminate\Http\Request  $request
     * @return mixed
    public function calculate(Request $request)
        $metrics = $this->addMetric('New Users', User::class, 'count')->suffix(' users')
        	->addMetric('Average age', User::class, 'average', 'age')->suffix(' years')->format('0');
        return $metrics->multiAggregate($request);

     * Get the ranges available for the metric.
     * @return array
    public function ranges()
        return [
            30 => '30 Days',
            60 => '60 Days',
            365 => '365 Days',
            'TODAY' => 'Today',
            'MTD' => 'Month To Date',
            'QTD' => 'Quarter To Date',
            'YTD' => 'Year To Date',

     * Get the URI key for the metric.
     * @return string
    public function uriKey()
        return 'user-metrics';