
6.0 EXP library for blocks that level up!

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

EXP Library

  • EXP-LIB 3.2 by sk7725!

Makes blocks store EXP and level up, and makes its base stats change accordingly.
Recommended for turrets or perhaps crafters.
EXP calculation: Level = [sqrt(Exp * 0.1)]


extend(Block block, Building building, string name, Object obj, Object objBuild)

<Location: module.export>
Use instead of extendContent for the block you want to extend.
Returns the block.

  • block: the block you want to extend.
  • building: the building of the block you want to extend.
  • name: the block name.
  • obj: the object that will extend block.
  • objBuild: the object that will extend building.

setExp(int exp)

<Location: Building>
Sets the building's exp.

incExp(int exp)

<Location: Building>
Increments the building's exp. Clamped by maxLevel automatically.


<Location: Building>
Returns the building's exp.


<Location: Building>
Returns the building's level.


<Location: Building>
Returns the building's exp / maximum exp required to level up, ranges from 0 to 1.


<Location: Building>
Returns the building's exp / maximum exp at max level, ranges from 0 to 1.

getCache(string fieldName)

<Location: Building>
Returns the building's cached field, if it is cached.

currentUpgrades(int lvl)

<Location: Building>
Returns an array of possible UpgradeObjects in that level.

How To Use

Put in the correct fields to assign what fields should be increased per level.
Use this.setExp() and this.incExp() in the functions of the building to increase the exp of the block when you want.
Here are some useful tips:

  • updateTile(), read(), write() will be overridden. Use customUpdate(), customRead(), customWrite() instead.
  • Define levelUp(int level){} in objBuild to do something after levelling up(hasLevelEffect must be true).


Fields should be passed in obj of extend.
this is the default value for each field.

  • maxLevel 20
    The maximum level the block reaches.
  • expFields []
    An array of FieldCalculations, determining the fields that change based on level.
  • level0Color ffd37f
    The color of the level bar at level 0.
  • levelMaxColor f3e979
    The color of the level bar at max level.
  • exp0Color 84ff00
    The color of the exp bar at exp 0.
  • expMaxColor 90ff00
    The color of the exp bar at max exp.
  • hasLevelEffect true
    Whether to check if a block levels up every time it gains experience. false is recommended for blocks that frequently/consistently gain experience to reduce lag. If a block has upgrades, hasLevelEffect will be overridden to true.
  • levelUpFx Fx.upgradeCore
    The effect to create when levelling up. hasLevelEffect must be true.
  • levelUpSound Sounds.message
    The sound to play when levelling up. hasLevelEffect must be true.
  • upgrades []
    An array of UpgradeObjects, determining the possible block upgrades.
  • upgradeFx module.export.upgradeFx
    The effect to create when upgrading.
  • upgradeSparkleFx module.export.sparkleFx
    The effect to create when a new upgrade is available.
  • upgradeSound Sounds.place
    The sound to play when upgrading.
  • upgradeColor 00ff00
    The color of upgrading.
  • sparkleChance 0.08
    The intensity of the 'new upgrade available' sparkle.
  • useStringSync false
    Use this if this block's Integer config is reserved, as upgrades use Integer config. Not recommended.


A FieldCalculation is an object telling which field to calculate in what way.
An example of a valid FieldCalculation:

    type: "linear",
    field: "reloadTime",
    start: 60,
    intensity: -5,
    cacheValue: false
  • field
    The field of the block that should be calculated and changed.
  • type "linear"
    The type of the calculation.
    "linear": Level * intensity + start
    "exp": intensity ^ Level + start
    "root": sqrt(Level * intensity) + start
    "bool": Special type; start should be a boolean, not an integer.
    If Level >= intensity, the field will change from start to !start.
    "list": Special type; intensity should be a list, not an integer.
    The field will be intensity[lvl], start is irrelevant.
  • intensity 1
  • start The default field's value
  • cacheValue false Whether to store this value in each Building. If this is true, the value cached can be retrieved by getCache(field). Use this to make use of the calculated field outside of updateTile(), where the FieldCalculation has no(or weird) effect.


An UpgradeObject is an object containing upgrade information.
An example of a valid UpgradeObject:

    block: Blocks.meltdown,
    min: 5,
    max: 7
  • block
    The resulting Block type of this upgrade.
  • min maxLevel
    The upgrade will be available if lvl >= min.
  • max INT_MAX
    The upgrade will be available if lvl <= max.

Note that the block size does not have to be the same; if the blocks differ in size, it will try to occupy a large enough space around it, and fails in none is found.


const lib = require("exp-lib/library");

const inferno = lib.extend(ItemTurret, ItemTurret.ItemTurretBuild, "inferno", {
  maxLevel: 10,
  //Which fields to increase in what way.
  expFields: [
      type: "linear",
      field: "reloadTime",
      start: 60,
      intensity: -5
  upgrades: [
      block: Vars.content.getByName(ContentType.block, "exp-lib-infernia"),
      min: 10
  //The original Block extension object.
		this.ammo(Items.coal, Bullets.basicFlame, Items.pyratite, Bullets.pyraFlame);
}, {
  //The original Building extension object.
    //Increment EXP, replace this with whenever you want the block to gain EXP.
    print("Reload: "+inferno.reloadTime);
    print("You leveled up to level " + level);