What is a Harshad Number: A Harshad number, also known as a Niven number, is a positive integer that is divisible by the sum of its digits. In simpler terms, a number is Harshad if it can be evenly divided by the sum of its individual digits.
Definition of Harshad Number: Let (n) be a positive integer. If (n) is divisible by the sum of its digits, then (n) is called a Harshad number. In mathematical terms, if (n) is a Harshad number and (s) is the sum of its digits, then (n) mod (s) equals zero.
Uses of Harshad Number: Harshad numbers are primarily used in recreational mathematics and number theory. They don't have many direct practical applications. The concept of Harshad numbers is interesting to mathematicians and educators as it provides a simple example of a number with a unique property related to its digit sum.