
Roach2 hardware monitor aka r2hwmond

Primary LanguageC

Roach 2 hardware monitoring

The r2hwmond application monitors the roach sensors via the /sys/class/hwmon/ interface using the lm-sensors library.

Katcp is used to provide katcp logs/commands to take action once an alarm is triggered. Currently action is taken on the FPGA and PowerPC temperature alarms.

  • FPGA alarm : Unprogram/unload the FPGA firmware
  • PowerPC alarm: Power the Roach down

Under typical usage the r2hwmond application will be started from within tcpborphserver: ?job process r2hwmond exec://r2hwmond

The application distinguish between a scan interval and an update interval:

  • scan interval : check for alarms
  • update interval: update sensor status (including value) information

The above intervals can also be set via the command line using the -s (scanTime) and -u (updateTime) switches respectively.

The following files/modules were re-used from lm-sensors/prog/sensord:

  • chips.c/h
  • sense.c/h
  • sensord.h
