
A permuted index for the LispWorks documentation

Primary LanguageCommon Lisp

This is a quick hack to create a permuted index (similar to the one
found in the CLHS) for (parts of) the LispWorks documentation.
Exported symbols and editor commands are assembled from the
documentation's index pages using simple regular expressions.

The application was developed and tested using LispWorks 4.4.5 pro
through 6.0.0 pro on Windows and (sometimes) Linux.  No attempt has
been made to ensure that it works with other versions of LispWorks.

Requirements: ASDF, CL-PPCRE, CL-WHO.  (Google if you don't know them.)

Usage: (asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op :lw-doc)

       See the documentation string of this function for more options.