
A tool for counting Pull Request Review Comments performed by an organization's GitHub users

Primary LanguageJava

github-comment-counter Build Status

A dropwizard-based server displaying number of Pull Request Comments performed by an organization's GitHub users, to help organizations identify and celebrate top reviewers. Counts all recent in-code comments on organization's opened and closed Pull Requests, excluding comments on one's own Pull Requests. Queries GitHub API every X minutes and displays the result.

Live Demo: GitHub Organization's Top Reviewers

alt tag


There are three deployment options:

  1. Using Heroku: if you have a Heroku account, that's the easiest way, skip to Heroku Deployment
  2. Downlowding latest release: download latest jar and yml file from releases page, and continue to Usage section
  3. Build from source code, then continue to Usage section


Edit the leaderboard-server.yml file with the following configuration:

    # change these to any valid github credentials; requires
    # either a username/password combination or a token
    username: my-user
    password: my-pass
    token: my-oauth-token

organization: my-org    # organization to show stats for
refreshRateMinutes: 10  # interval between API activations

Specify either a token or a username and password.

You're now ready to run the server:

java -jar <path to jar> server <path to yml file>

You should be able to see the results at http://<host>:8080/

If you're using a locally-hosted GitHub instance, you can override the default API endpoint URL by adding something like this to your yml file:

gitHubApiUrl: https://github.corp.xyzcompany.com/api/v3/


To build the artifact (without running tests), run:

./gradlew fatJar

The jar to use is located in leaderboard-server/build/libs/.

To run the tests, you'll need to supply credentials, since some of the tests require a github user to activate the API. Here and elsewhere, you can either pass your GitHub username and password as credentials or pass a single OAuth token associated with your account.

./gradlew clean build -Dusername=<a github user> -Dpassword=<her password> -Dtoken=<an OAuth token>

(If your user account has two-factor authentication enabled, only token-based access will work.)

Heroku Deployment

NOTE: Heroku-deployed web servers are public by default, so use wisely, or choose another deployment method if you wish to keep your commenters/comments private.

Assuming you have a Heroku account, and Heroku toolbelt installed, run this from the project root to build, deploy, and run the application:

heroku login  # type user and password when prompted...
heroku create 
heroku config:set ORG_NAME=<your org name>
heroku config:set GH_USER=<username>  # skip if using token
heroku config:set GH_PASS=<password>  # skip if using token
heroku config:set GH_TOKEN=<token>    # skip if using user+password
git push heroku master  # this will take a while...
heroku open

The last command should open the app page in your default browser.