
An Ada implementation of James Munns' BBQueue

Primary LanguageAdaMIT LicenseMIT


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An Ada/SPARK proved implementation of James Munns' BBQueue

BBqueue implements lock free, one producer one consumer, BipBuffers.

The root package BBqueue only handles index offsets without having an internal buffer. It can be used to allocate slices of an existing array, e.g.:

   Buf : Storage_Array (8 .. 64) := (others => 0);
   Q   : aliased Offsets_Only (Buf'Length);
   WG  : Write_Grant := BBqueue.Empty;
   S   : Slice_Rec;
   Grant (Q, WG, 8);
   if State (WG) = Valid then
      S := Slice (WG);
      Buf (Buf'First + S.From .. Buf'First + S.To) := (others => 42);
   end if;
   Commit (Q, WG);

The package BBqueue.Buffers is based on BBqueue.Offsets_Only and embeds an internal buffer. It provides directly usable slices of memory from its internal buffer:

   Q   : aliased Buffer (64);
   WG  : Write_Grant := Empty;
   S   : Slice_Rec;
   Grant (Q, WG, 8);
   if State (WG) = Valid then
         B : Storage_Array (1 .. Slice (WG).Length)
           with Address => Slice (WG).Addr;
         B := (others => 42);
   end if;
   Commit (Q, WG);

The package BBqueue.Buffers.Framed is based on BBqueue.Buffers and uses markers in the buffer to track the size of each commited write grants. The size of consequent read grants will conrespond to the sizes of commited write grants. It can be used to handle variable lenght packets:

   Q   : aliased Framed_Buffer (64);
   WG  : Write_Grant := Empty;
   RG  : Read_Grant := Empty;
   S   : Slice_Rec;
   Grant (Q, WG, 8); -- Get a worst case grant of size 8
   Commit (Q, WG, 4); -- Only commit 4
   Grant (Q, WG, 8); -- Get a worst case grant of size 8
   Commit (Q, WG, 5); -- Only commit 5
   Read (W, RG); -- Returns a grant of size 4