
A quick introduction into PHP web development

Primary LanguagePHP


A quick introduction into PHP web development

This tutorial in not finished! There are still chapters missing.

Start here.

Who is this for?

This tutorial is intended for people who already have learned a dynamic, object oriented programming language, something like Ruby, Python or JavaScript.

What is it about?

The goal is to quickly cover the things you will probably encounter in modern PHP web applications in addition to the basic syntax:

  • templating with Twig
  • application frameworks (the tutorial will use Silex)
  • OOP and Namespaces
  • Dependecy management with Composer
  • the quirks and pitfalls of PHP and how to avoid them

This tutorial deliberately leaves out certain aspects of PHP that don't play an important role in modern PHP development, that are just bad style or outright dangerous. PHP has had enough of that in the past and we can do better.

How will it work?

This tutorial will try to cover a bunch of topics with an example and then explain how that example works. Afterwards, there will be a few sections where those topics are explored in more detail.