
Yet Another (cool) (HTML5) (jqueryesque) Photo Gallery

Primary LanguageCSS

Yet Another Photo Gallery

(designed to run on my raspberrypi :) )

This is essentially a pet project to get known with techniques like 'infinite scrolling' and tools like nginx, server-side Python, jinja, FastCGI.

Server-side, a Python script list pictures from a directory, build 'cropped' thumbnails and resize large picture (taking advantage of EXIF informations to rotate them if necessary). It outputs the gallery via jinja templates and FastCGI.

Client-side, I use jquery + jquery masonery to display the pictures and load asynchronously new ones when I reach the end of the page. lightbox is used to display larger pictures.

To use

  • install python-imaging, python-flup and python-jinja2, python-markdown:
sudo apt install python-imaging python-flup python-jinja2 python-markdown
  • make /static/media/photos to point to your photos
  • I use the following configuration for nginx:
server {

	listen 80;
	server_name your.photo.gallery.org;

	# static files
	location ~ ^/(images|javascript|js|css|flash|media|static)/ {
	    root /var/www/photos/static;
	    expires 30d;

	location / {
	    fastcgi_param SERVER_NAME $server_name;
	    fastcgi_param SERVER_PORT $server_port;
	    fastcgi_param SERVER_PROTOCOL $server_protocol;
	    fastcgi_param PATH_INFO $fastcgi_script_name;
	    fastcgi_param REQUEST_METHOD $request_method;
	    fastcgi_param QUERY_STRING $query_string;
	    fastcgi_param CONTENT_TYPE $content_type;
	    fastcgi_param CONTENT_LENGTH $content_length;
	    fastcgi_pass_header Authorization;
	    fastcgi_intercept_errors off;

Finally, start the Python script photo.py (you might want to run that in a screen session to keep it running on the server).


YAPG can display captions for your pictures: simply rename the image file to start with a @ character: everything after this character (excluding file extension!) will be used as a caption. Markdown syntax is even allowed!

(note that some characters are invalid in filenames, like /: in order to put links in your captions, you might want to use | instead, which is replaced automatically with / by YAPG).


Photo voting can be enabled per gallery by creating (touching) an empty .vote file in the desired photo directory.

A small, clickable star appears next to each image. Visitors can use it to 'favourite' one image. The vote tally per image is stored server-side in a file called .votes.json, one file per directory.