Spectrogram accelerator for LimeSDR-mini. Average-pooling reduces the noise of the spectrogram and downsamples the output datarate. Potentially usable on ARM devices. alt text

Turning on WiFi on my mobile: alt text

You will need a heat-sink on your LimeSDR-mini to run this!

  1. Program the FPGA:

    docker run -it --privileged gasparka/realtime_spectrogram python3 main.py --fpga_init

    Note: You need to unplug and replug your LimeSDR-Mini!

  2. Run the application:

    docker run -it --privileged --net=host --env="DISPLAY" --volume="$HOME/.Xauthority:/root/.Xauthority:rw" gasparka/realtime_spectrogram python3 main.py --run
  3. Once you are done, restore the FPGA:

    docker run -it --privileged gasparka/realtime_spectrogram python3 main.py --fpga_restore

Heatsinking the LimeSDR-mini

Simple way of heatsinking your Lime by using the 'thermal pad' and a piece of metal.

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