A plugin for Rails which allows one to obtain heap dumps from a running rails app for example. It should work for mongrel and passenger hosted apps.
Stefan Kaes <skaes@railexpress.de>
Obtain the processid of a rails process, then invoke one of the following commands:
start_gc_trace pid # turns on gc tracing in the given process
stop_gc_trace pid # stop gc tracing
dump_heap pid # dump current heap to “#{tmp_dir}/heap.#{Process.pid}.#{@heap_dump_count}.dump”
You won’t have much fun with this code unless you use a patched ruby which supports dumping heap information, compiled with GC_DEBUG enabled.
I recommend my patched version of ruby 1.8.7, which you can get as follows:
git clone git://github.com/skaes/matzruby.git cd matzruby git checkout ruby187pl202patched autoconf ./configure --enable-gcdebug --prefix=/usr/local/ruby187pl202 make sudo make install sudo make install-doc
Place it in vendor/plugins, as usual.
Development of this plugin was sponsored by Xing (www.xing.com)
I think this code should be a gem.
move railsbench analyze_heap_dump command into the gem.