
Conveniently run mongo client tools on a Meteor database.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


MongoDB includes a bunch of shell commands that connect to a database server and do things: mongo, mongodump, mongorestore, mongooplog, mongoimport, mongoexport, mongostat, mongotop and mongofiles.

To connect to a database, you need to specify hostname, port, database and credentials. Meteor gives you these in form of a MongoDB Connection String if you do meteor mongo --url. Unfortunately, the MongoDB tools do not support this Connection String, so you need to rewrite things to pass the proper parameter. That's a hassle, and that's what this tool can help you with (until MongoDB fixes this).


mmongo requires an installation of Node.js 0.12. It does not use the Node.js that comes bundled with Meteor.

mmongo is available at NPM, so if you use that do:

npm -g install mmongo

Otherwise, just put mmongo.js somewhere in your $PATH as mmongo, for example using:

sudo cp mmongo.js /usr/local/bin/mmongo
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/mmongo


To open up a mongo shell on your meteor database, just like meteor mongo:


To open up a mongo shell On a deployed Meteor instance:

mmongo example.meteor.com

To give arguments (see mongo --help), add run and then the arguments:

mmongo example.meteor.com run --eval 'printjson(db.getCollectionNames())'

mmongo example.meteor.com run my-mongo-script.js

To run any of the other tools, remove the "mongo"-prefix from that command. For example, to dump a database:

mmongo example.meteor.com dump

Or to export a collection named "tasks" as a json file:

mmongo example.meteor.com export -c tasks

I have not tested the oplog and files tools much. stat and top do not seem to authenticate on meteor.com sites, but work locally.

If you wish to see what command would be executed without actually running it, use the "--dry" option as the very first argument to mmongo:

mmongo --dry example.meteor.com import foo.json

To get a reminder of the arguments, use mmongo --help.


Add the MongoDB bin directory to your path. (If you installed with Choco, it's C:\MongoDB\bin.) Check by running where mongo.

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