
Generate TPCDS data using SQL and gpfdist

Primary LanguageShell



TPCDS Data generation powered by SQL and gpfdist.

The goals are to create a easily runnable and editable set of tools that will create and import TPCDS data.

In short the scripts will setup a gpfdist on the master to help distribute files to the segments. It will then dynamically determine the number of segments and run a parallel TPCDS data generation equal to the number of segments in the system and create gpfdist instances for each of these data sets.


  • GPDB
  • gcc ( on Master to build tpcds tools )
  • greenplum or hawq installation
  • system with 4x capacity of the target data size ( see note 1 )


  • Scale factore needs to be manually set. Need to make this dynamic
  • Verification Scripts
  • Cleanup Scripts
  • Remove DSGen zip and add instructions to download and to agree to terms


  1. cd assets
  2. ./prep.sh
  3. cd ..
  4. cd sql
  5. psql -c "CREATE DATABASE tpcds"
  6. vim 03_create_generate_data_external_table.sql # Edit the number to represent the scale you wish to run at
  7. psql -f 01_create_external_tables.sql tpcds
  8. psql -f 02_execute_prep_queries.sql tpcds
  9. psql -f 03_create_generate_data_external_table.sql tpcds
  10. psql -f 04_generate_data.sql tpcds
  11. psql -f 05_create_gpfdist_init_external_table.sql tpcds
  12. psql -f 06_start_seg_gpfdist.sql tpcds
  13. psql -f 07_internal_tables.sql tpcds
  14. bash 08_make_externals.sh
  15. psql -f 09_externals.sql tpcds
  16. psql -f 10_insert.sql tpcds
  17. psql -f 11_analyze.sql tpcds


  • 1 - 4x capacity is recommended. 1x - The data itself, 2+3x - In database primary + mirror, 4x scratch space and other files