
A C# SSH client

Primary LanguageC#


A small SSH client written in C#.


You can grab a copy of SSHClient from the releases page. Alternatively, feel free to compile the solution yourself. Fody/Costura has been used to embed the SSH.NET reference.

Mandatory Arguments

The mandatory arguments consist of an authentication type (either key or password), connection parameters and a module.

  • -a - Authentication Type
    • -a Password - Use password authentication.
    • -a Key - Use key based authentication.

If the authentication type is Password, then you will need to supply the following parameters.

  • -u USERNAME - SSH username
  • -k PASSWORD - Password of SSH user
  • -s SERVER - SSH server to connect to
  • -p PORT - Port on the SSH server to connect to

If the authentication type is Key, then you will need to supply the following parameters.

  • -u USERNAME - SSH username
  • -k KEY - Path to the SSH key
  • -s SERVER - SSH server to connect to
  • -p PORT - Port on the SSH server to connect to

Standard Modules

Use the following modules to interact with a server via SSH.

  • connect - Test to see if the credentials work
  • command -c COMMAND - Execute an arbitrary command
  • download -f REMOTEFILE -d LOCALPATH - Download a file to a local path
  • upload -f LOCALFILE -d REMOTEPATH Upload a file to a remote path


Test connection

SSHClient.exe -a Key -s -p 22 -u ubuntu -k c:\users\skawa\aws.key -m connect
[+] Success! ubuntu can log in to

Execute commands

SSHClient.exe -a Key -s -p 22 -u ubuntu -k c:\users\skawa\aws.key -m command -c "ps -eaf"

[+] Executing: ps -eaf
UID          PID    PPID  C STIME TTY          TIME CMD
root           1       0  0 Nov10 ?        00:00:12 /sbin/init
root           2       0  0 Nov10 ?        00:00:00 [kthreadd]
root           3       2  0 Nov10 ?        00:00:00 [rcu_gp]
root           4       2  0 Nov10 ?        00:00:00 [rcu_par_gp]
root           5       2  0 Nov10 ?        00:00:48 [kworker/0:0-events]
root           6       2  0 Nov10 ?        00:00:00 [kworker/0:0H-events_highpri]
root           9       2  0 Nov10 ?        00:00:00 [mm_percpu_wq]
root          10       2  0 Nov10 ?        00:00:00 [rcu_tasks_rude_]

Download a file

SSHClient.exe -a Key -s -p 22 -u ubuntu -k c:\users\skawa\aws.key -m download -f /etc/passwd -d C:\users\skawa\downloads\

[+] Downloading '/etc/passwd' to 'C:\users\skawa\downloads\'

[+] File downloaded to 'C:\users\skawa\downloads\passwd'

Upload a file

SSHClient.exe -a Key -s -p 22 -u ubuntu -k c:\users\skawa\aws.key -m upload -f C:\Users\skawa\Desktop\test.py -d /home/ubuntu 

[+] Uploading 'C:\Users\skawa\Desktop\test.py' to '/home/ubuntu'

[+] File uploaded to '/home/ubuntu/test.py'