
Multipole to Local Field Translation Experiments

Primary LanguageRust

Rust SIMD Experiments

A huge problem in modern CPUs is the massive difference in latencies of in computation in comparison to memory access. Memory accesses are a couple of orders of magnitude slower than basic CPU instructions.

This problem dominates the runtime of naively implemented algorithms. Where cache misses cause the runtime to repeatedly access main memory. Algorithms must instead be designed to reduce the number of memory accesses as much as possible.

For problems that have significant data dependencies, such as the Fast Multipole Method (FMM), this becomes challenging. A naive implementation will potentially result in a cache miss for every iteration, as data will have to be looked up from anywhere in global buffer.

In this crate I try out a few different experiments to alleviate global memory access problems for a problem that has a similar logic to the field translations in the FMM.

A strategy for coping with this is to gather mutable pointers to save locations and explicitly load them into SIMD registers, while computing the results of the field translation in place in a vectorised manner.

Important SIMD terminology

This isn't a resource on SIMD programming, but some notes that I've made of things that I need to commit to memory.

  • Vector - a SIMD value is called a vector. It's of fixed size known at compile time. Vectors are aligned with respect to their entire size (similar, but different concept to rust stack allocated arrays)

  • Lane - A single element position within a SIMD vector is called a lane. Accessing individual lane values is relatively expensive. A SIMD vector has to be pushed out of the register and onto the stack before an individual lane can be accessed on most architectures. The vector then has to potentially be pushed back onto the stack, lane access should be in general avoided in any hot loop.

  • Bit Widths - the bit widths in this context are the size of the vectors involved, not the individual elements.

  • Vector Register - name for the extra wide registers used for SIMD operations. Sometimes called floating point registers as it's common for the registers to be used with both scalar and vectorised floating point operations.

  • Vertical - when an operation is vertical, each lane processes individually without regard to the other lanes in the same vector. Most SIMD operations are vertical.

  • Reducing/Reduce - reduce_* operations, the lanes within a single vector are merged using some operation.

  • Target Feature - Rust calls a CPU architecture extension a target_feature.

Nothing protects you from running binaries not built for your architecture, this is automatically undefined behaviour.