My ansible config

Downloading config

wget --show-progress -O /tmp/
unzip /tmp/ -d ~/Documents/

Images download links

iso/torrent images

Creating a bootable USB drive


sudo dd status=progress oflag=sync bs=4M if=/path/to/image.iso of=/dev/sd?


  1. Download Rufus to burn Windows image to your USB stick.
  2. Select your drive and path to .iso image.
  3. Select GPT partition scheme.
  4. Click START. Attention! All data on your flash drive will be erased!


  • Apply recommended layout

  • Rename roles config files and add hxcfg deployment

  • Make 110x24 terminal size as default

  • Import GPG keyring from secret vault

  • Include separated configs for Pop_OS 24.04

  • Include role for home server deployment