Hi there, I am Jan Skála👋

I enjoy working with Azure and building cloud solutions, taking advantage of serverless solutions like Logic Apps or Azure Functions.

I am not just a tech guy. I also have passion for music. I play the piano in a band called JGDIX. I like jazz, swing and boogie-woogie. I love jam sessions and improvising.

🔭 I’m currently working on


Modern management of laboratory documentation, registers, and agendas
Better check it out https://slp.blue/en 👀

⚡ Technologies

CSharp Microsoft Azure Azure Functions Azure DevOps Azure Pipelines Docker Kubernetes Haskell Vue.js JavaScript Python Java C++ HTML5 CSS3 Bootstrap TypeScript MongoDB Redis ElasticSearch PostgreSQL GitHub (actions)

👯 I’m looking to collaborate on

📫 How to reach me:

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