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MultiSigWallet CLI


Go to releases and take the latest version of the project. Download the multisigwallet-cli.zip and unpack the archive.

Or clone the repo and run ./scripts/prepare.sh this will add the latest .json files (ABIs) needed to execute multisig cli commands.

Run yarn install and setup .env

Optional variables:

  • PRIVATE_KEY_<number> - Owner of the wallet, where <number> should be less or equal 50
  • ABI - Filename of the custom abi, must be in data/ folder

If you clone this repo instead of using the releases, please run ./scripts/prepare.sh to generate the necessary pre-deployment.json file.

CLI Usage

Global options

  • -a, --account <number> - Account number from which the transaction should be performed, by default it's 1. The account is associated with a private key in .env
  • --custom - For custom abi, set filepath to ABI into .env


Returns encoded data for interaction with schain through gnosis safe on mainnet.

npx msig encodeData [options] <schainName> <contract> <func> [params...]

Required arguments:

  • <schainName> - Destination schain name
  • <contract> - Destination contract that you wanna call
  • <func> - Function that you wanna call on the destination contract

Optional arguments:

  • [params...] - Arguments for the destination function


Returns the result of executing the transaction, using call.

npx msig call [options] <contract> <func> [params...]

Required arguments:

  • <contract> - Destination contract that you wanna call
  • <func> - Function that you wanna call on the destination contract

Optional arguments:

  • [params...] - Arguments for the destination function


npx msig recharge [options] <amount>

Allows to recharge the sFUEL balance of the MultiSigWallet contract

Required variables:

  • ENDPOINT - Endpoint of the SKALE chain
  • PRIVATE_KEY_1 - Originatior private key (owner of the MultiSigWallet)

Required arguments:

  • <amount> - Amount of sFUEL in wei


Allows an owner to submit and confirm a transaction. <contract> must be written in PascalCase. <func> must be written in camelCase and function parameters must be written separated by spaces.

npx msig submitTransaction [options] <contract> <func> [params...]

Required variables:

  • ENDPOINT - Endpoint of the SKALE chain
  • PRIVATE_KEY_1 - Originatior private key (owner of the MultiSigWallet)

Required arguments:

  • <contract> - Name of the contract in pascal case
  • <func> - Name of the function that you wanna call on the destination contract

Optional arguments:

  • [params...] - Arguments for the destination function

Usage example:

npx msig submitTransaction ConfigController addToWhitelist <ethereum-address>


npx msig submitTransactionWithData [options] <contractAddress> <data>

Allows an owner to submit and confirm a transaction with custom data.

Required variables:

  • ENDPOINT - Endpoint of the SKALE chain
  • PRIVATE_KEY_1 - Originatior private key (owner of the MultiSigWallet)

Required arguments:

  • <contractAddress> - Destination contract that you wanna call
  • <data> - Encoded data of function selector and params


npx msig confirmTransaction [options] <transactionId>

Allows an owner to confirm a transaction.

Required variables:

  • ENDPOINT - Endpoint of the SKALE chain
  • PRIVATE_KEY_1 - Originatior private key (owner of the MultiSigWallet)

Required arguments:

  • <transactionId> - Transaction id


npx msig revokeConfirmation [options] <transactionId>

Allows an owner to revoke a confirmation for a transaction.

Required variables:

  • ENDPOINT - Endpoint of the SKALE chain
  • PRIVATE_KEY_1 - Originatior private key (owner of the MultiSigWallet)

Required arguments:

  • <transactionId> - Transaction id


npx msig executeTransaction [options] <transactionId>

Allows you to execute a confirmed transaction.

Required variables:

  • ENDPOINT - Endpoint of the SKALE chain
  • PRIVATE_KEY_1 - Originatior private key (owner of the MultiSigWallet)

Required arguments:

  • <transactionId> - Transaction id


npx msig getConfirmations [options] <transactionId>

Returns array with owner addresses, which confirmed transaction.

Required variables:

  • ENDPOINT - Endpoint of the SKALE chain
  • PRIVATE_KEY_1 - Originatior private key (owner of the MultiSigWallet)

Required arguments:

  • <transactionId> - Transaction id


npx msig getConfirmationCount [options] <transactionId>

Returns number of confirmations of a transaction.

Required variables:

  • ENDPOINT - Endpoint of the SKALE chain
  • PRIVATE_KEY_1 - Originatior private key (owner of the MultiSigWallet)

Required arguments:

  • <transactionId> - Transaction id


npx msig isConfirmed [options] <transactionId>

Returns the confirmation status of transactions. If transaction ID was provided, than execution will return only status for that transaction.

Required variables:

  • ENDPOINT - Endpoint of the SKALE chain
  • PRIVATE_KEY_1 - Originatior private key (owner of the MultiSigWallet)

Optional arguments:

  • [transactionId] - Transaction id


npx msig getOwners [options]

Returns list of owners.

Required variables:

  • ENDPOINT - Endpoint of the SKALE chain
  • PRIVATE_KEY_1 - Originatior private key (owner of the MultiSigWallet)


npx msig getBalance [options] <address>

Returns the sFUEL balance of address.

Required variables:

  • ENDPOINT - Endpoint of the SKALE chain
  • PRIVATE_KEY_1 - Originatior private key (owner of the MultiSigWallet)

Required arguments:

  • <address> - The address of which to return the sFUEL balance