sgxwallet is the first-ever opensource high-performance hardware secure crypto wallet that is based on Intel SGX technology. First opensource product on Intel SGX whitelist. Scales to 100,000+ transactions per second. Currently supports ETH and SKALE, and will support BTC in the future. Sgxwallet is under heavy development and use by SKALE network.
- 0xmountaintopGallifrey
- alexgexSKALE Labs
- Alexintosh@Ethereum
- aodhgan
- atellmerDunder Mifflin
- badroggerSKALE Labs
- bellyfat
- cstrangedkSKALE Labs
- dappjordy
- DavdegreatCanada
- DimaStebaevSKALE Labs
- djflorez@nuube
- dmytrotkkSKALE Labs
- ebruoguzberkNomikai
- Forger125
- gannakulikova
- jamesyoungAbridged
- kladkogexSKALE Labs
- kyatsenko-skalelabsSKALE Labs
- lgtkgtv
- liangyihuaiChina
- liceagaLisboa
- longcpp
- makevoid
- mayank0403UC Berkeley
- minaminaoTokyo
- miron@streetyoga
- olehnikolaievSKALE Labs
- osuketh@LayerXcom
- payvintRapidell
- pkrasamEarth
- sergiy-skalelabsSKALE Labs
- shreyansh26Level AI
- yavrskySKALE Labs