
makbet - mak(efile) b(ased) e(xtraordinary) t(ool)

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

Welcome to the makbet project!

The makbet is a simple, and generic purpose, task execution engine for *NIX operating systems.

The makbet stands for mak(efile) b(ased) e(xtraordinary) t(ool).

Keep reading && have fun! :)

Table of Contents


This project has been created for several reasons...

Mainly to help with:

  • automating various complex scenarios,
  • modeling, and prototyping complex real-life processes consisting of many tasks having many dependencies (e.g.: production or delivery chains),
  • reflecting, simulating and profiling complicated existing flows,
  • visualizing dependencies in big projects (makbet can help to find circular dependencies, or long execution paths),
  • optimizing execution paths in existing systems.

But also to:

  • help learning GNU Make utility,
  • help learning DOT language,
  • help learning Bash scripting.

And (at last but not least):

  • FOR FUN! :)

Key features

The makbet's key features are:

  • it's free and OSSW (see License),
  • based on GNU Make tool and its features,
  • easily extensible,
  • built-in excellent support for parallelism (using GNU Make's internal jobserver mechanism),
  • can be easily added/embedded into existing projects as a 3rd party SW,
  • no root/admin privileges required,
  • pure console tool - no GUI required for usage,
  • good and fast integration with other console tools,
  • fast and easy installation process,
  • unified naming scheme of all internal environment variables (every environment variable defined/used by makbet has MAKBET_ prefix),
  • unified syntax of all CLI options (every makbet's CLI option has MAKBET_ prefix),
  • saving tasks' details in key=value *.cfg files for further usage (e.g.: by shell scripts),
  • saving tasks' details in *.csv files for further processing if needed (this feature can be enabled by MAKBET_CSV=1 CLI option),
  • time profiling - measuring tasks duration (this feature can be enabled by MAKBET_PROF=1 CLI option),
  • generating DOT output showing relations between tasks (this feature can be enabled by MAKBET_DOT=1 CLI option),
  • written in self-explanatory code,
  • widely and richly commented,
  • contains few useful examples, including small built-in tasks library (set of several, simple Bash scripts),
  • it's developed according to good SW development practices,
  • it's easy to debug (all debugging ways and techniques for makefiles and shell scripts can be used),
  • based on branch development model (all features are being developed on a master branch, while all releases are made from dedicated stable/vMAJOR.minor.x branches),
  • tested continuously (for every commit and pull request) on master branch and all stable branches,
  • follows so-called semver (https://semver.org) versioning patterns (see also Few words regarding backward compatibility section),
  • hosted officially on GitHub and mirrored officially on GitLab (synced every hour),
  • minimal system requirements (see details in System requirements section).


The makbet project is licensed under the MIT license (check here to understand what does it mean).

System requirements

Basic system requirements are:

  • GNU/Linux compatible OS,
  • GNU Make tool (version 3.82 or newer),
  • Bash interpreter (available in /bin/bash location).

This is enough for tasks' running, tasks' profiling and for generating corresponding DOT files (see DOT output section).

However the DOT files can be converted, in general, to many different output formats, like PDF, PNG, SVG... For such conversion additional tooling is required. It is recommended to use graphviz which has been successfully tested with makbet (please check PNG output section).

All provided examples were tested with GNU Make 4.3 and Bash 5.0.16.

For DOT -> PNG conversion, here graphviz 2.50.0 package was used.


Installing makbet is easy and straightforward:

  • clone (or alternatively download + unpack) makbet project from GitHub (if, for some reasons, GitHub is not an option, you can use makbet's official mirror, synced every hour, from GitLab),
  • export MAKBET_PATH variable pointing to makbet's main directory (e.g.: export MAKBET_PATH=/home/user/makbet),
  • change directory to main makbet's directory then run make command (without options) to see default help message.

That's all! :)

Since now you are ready to write your own makbet's scenarios (fell free to use provided scenario template) or play with built-in examples.

Few words regarding backward compatibility

Please be aware that makbet is still in heavy development phase (no major release has been published so far).

A couple of nice improvements have been proposed already (see the details here) and there is no guarantee that backward compatibility will be kept forever (at least until the first major version will be released).

Therefore please always use stable versions on the production.

In doubts, follow the common sense and use semantic versioning approach.

DOT output

For every properly created scenario, makbet is able to generate output in a DOT format. The DOT is a popular and widely known graph language. The makbet is generating output in a form of so-called digraph - the directed graph - showing the flow direction between all defined tasks. Such output can be easily saved or redirected to a file for later processing. The DOT output will be generated if MAKBET_DOT=1 variable will be set in environment, or passed to the make execution command (by default MAKBET_DOT=0) as in below example:

[user@localhost 01.dummy]$ make makbet-clean && make all MAKBET_DOT=1

2020-08-10 00:54:58.826 [INFO]: Task "@01-INIT" (TASK_ID: 1) started.

2020-08-10 00:54:58.844 [INFO]: Task "@01-INIT" (TASK_ID: 1) terminated.

2020-08-10 00:54:58.918 [INFO]: Task "task-A" (TASK_ID: 2) started.


2020-08-10 00:55:09.030 [INFO]: Task "all" (TASK_ID: 13) started.

2020-08-10 00:55:09.047 [INFO]: Task "all" (TASK_ID: 13) terminated.

[user@localhost 01.dummy]$

Special makbet's target .show-merged-dot-results will display the DOT results which can be used for further processing:

[user@localhost 01.dummy]$ make .show-merged-dot-results

digraph {

// This file has been generated by makbet master+g89af641-2020-10-18T22:35:22+02:00
// Generation date: Sun Oct 18 11:37:21 PM CEST 2020
// Scenario file: /home/user/makbet/examples/01.dummy/Makefile

// Define graph title (an absolute path to scenario file) at the top.
label="Scenario file: /home/user/makbet/examples/01.dummy/Makefile\n\n\n\n";

// Define global options for all nodes.
node [shape="box" style="rounded, bold, filled" fillcolor="azure"];

// TASK_ID: 1

// TASK_NAME: all
// TASK_ID: 13
// TASK_DEPS: task-F
"all" -> "task-F";

// TASK_NAME: task-A
// TASK_ID: 2
// TASK_CMD: /home/user/makbet/examples/01.dummy/tasks/generic-task
"task-A" -> "@01-INIT";

// TASK_NAME: task-B1
// TASK_ID: 3
// TASK_DEPS: task-A
// TASK_CMD: /home/user/makbet/examples/01.dummy/tasks/generic-task
"task-B1" -> "task-A";

// TASK_NAME: task-B2
// TASK_ID: 4
// TASK_DEPS: task-A
// TASK_CMD: /home/user/makbet/examples/01.dummy/tasks/generic-task
"task-B2" -> "task-A";

// TASK_NAME: task-B3
// TASK_ID: 5
// TASK_DEPS: task-A
// TASK_CMD: /home/user/makbet/examples/01.dummy/tasks/generic-task
"task-B3" -> "task-A";

// TASK_NAME: task-B4
// TASK_ID: 6
// TASK_DEPS: task-A
// TASK_CMD: /home/user/makbet/examples/01.dummy/tasks/generic-task
"task-B4" -> "task-A";

// TASK_NAME: task-B5
// TASK_ID: 7
// TASK_DEPS: task-A
// TASK_CMD: /home/user/makbet/examples/01.dummy/tasks/generic-task
"task-B5" -> "task-A";

// TASK_NAME: task-C
// TASK_ID: 8
// TASK_DEPS: task-B2 task-B3
// TASK_CMD: /home/user/makbet/examples/01.dummy/tasks/generic-task
"task-C" -> "task-B2";
"task-C" -> "task-B3";

// TASK_NAME: task-D
// TASK_ID: 9
// TASK_DEPS: task-C
// TASK_CMD: /home/user/makbet/examples/01.dummy/tasks/generic-task
"task-D" -> "task-C";

// TASK_NAME: task-E
// TASK_ID: 10
// TASK_DEPS: task-B1 task-B4 task-B5 task-D
// TASK_CMD: /home/user/makbet/examples/01.dummy/tasks/generic-task
"task-E" -> "task-B1";
"task-E" -> "task-B4";
"task-E" -> "task-B5";
"task-E" -> "task-D";

// TASK_NAME: task-F
// TASK_ID: 11
// TASK_DEPS: task-E
"task-F" -> "task-E";


// EOF

[user@localhost 01.dummy]$

PNG output

Below PNG picture has been rendered, by edotor online DOT editor, based on digraph code for 01.dummy example (target all).


In general every DOT output, generated by makbet tool, can be saved in a separate file. Such DOT file can be next easily converted to other formats (like PDF, PNG or SVG), for example with dot tool (or some other 3rd party utility).

Typical DOT -> PNG conversion, done by dot tool, is simple and straightforward:

[user@localhost 01.dummy]$ dot -Tpng output.dot -o output.png
For all makbet's examples the DOT files with their corresponding PNG images, can be found here.

Three DOT online editors have been successfully tested with makbet:

CSV output

For every properly created scenario makbet is able to generate valuable CSV output. Such output (similar as for DOT language above) can be easily saved or redirected to file. This can be achieved by passing MAKBET_CSV=1 option to make execution command (by default MAKBET_CSV=0) as in example below:

[user@localhost 01.dummy]$ make makbet-clean && make all MAKBET_CSV=1

2020-08-10 01:26:10.847 [INFO]: Task "@01-INIT" (TASK_ID: 1) started.

2020-08-10 01:26:10.865 [INFO]: Task "@01-INIT" (TASK_ID: 1) terminated.

2020-08-10 01:26:10.943 [INFO]: Task "task-A" (TASK_ID: 2) started.


2020-08-10 01:26:21.358 [INFO]: Task "all" (TASK_ID: 13) started.

2020-08-10 01:26:21.375 [INFO]: Task "all" (TASK_ID: 13) terminated.

[user@localhost 01.dummy]$

Special makbet's target .show-merged-csv-events will display CSV results which can be used for further processing:

[user@localhost 01.dummy]$ echo ; make .show-merged-csv-events

"1";"@01-INIT";"";"";"";"STARTED";"2020-08-31 23:56:00.649587995";
"1";"@01-INIT";"";"";"";"TERMINATED";"2020-08-31 23:56:00.666786322";
"10";"task-E";"task-B1 task-B4 task-B5 task-D";"/home/user/makbet/examples/01.dummy/tasks/generic-task";"1";"STARTED";"2020-08-31 23:56:10.289023250";
"10";"task-E";"task-B1 task-B4 task-B5 task-D";"/home/user/makbet/examples/01.dummy/tasks/generic-task";"1";"TERMINATED";"2020-08-31 23:56:11.338833366";
"11";"task-F";"task-E";"";"";"STARTED";"2020-08-31 23:56:11.482923596";
"11";"task-F";"task-E";"";"";"TERMINATED";"2020-08-31 23:56:11.502223078";
"13";"all";"task-F";"";"";"STARTED";"2020-08-31 23:56:11.602816027";
"13";"all";"task-F";"";"";"TERMINATED";"2020-08-31 23:56:11.621920583";
"2";"task-A";"@01-INIT";"/home/user/makbet/examples/01.dummy/tasks/generic-task";"1";"STARTED";"2020-08-31 23:56:00.759734577";
"2";"task-A";"@01-INIT";"/home/user/makbet/examples/01.dummy/tasks/generic-task";"1";"TERMINATED";"2020-08-31 23:56:01.809743217";
"3";"task-B1";"task-A";"/home/user/makbet/examples/01.dummy/tasks/generic-task";"1";"STARTED";"2020-08-31 23:56:01.969186347";
"3";"task-B1";"task-A";"/home/user/makbet/examples/01.dummy/tasks/generic-task";"1";"TERMINATED";"2020-08-31 23:56:03.022288809";
"4";"task-B2";"task-A";"/home/user/makbet/examples/01.dummy/tasks/generic-task";"1";"STARTED";"2020-08-31 23:56:05.582568852";
"4";"task-B2";"task-A";"/home/user/makbet/examples/01.dummy/tasks/generic-task";"1";"TERMINATED";"2020-08-31 23:56:06.632680835";
"5";"task-B3";"task-A";"/home/user/makbet/examples/01.dummy/tasks/generic-task";"1";"STARTED";"2020-08-31 23:56:06.763160648";
"5";"task-B3";"task-A";"/home/user/makbet/examples/01.dummy/tasks/generic-task";"1";"TERMINATED";"2020-08-31 23:56:07.805955418";
"6";"task-B4";"task-A";"/home/user/makbet/examples/01.dummy/tasks/generic-task";"1";"STARTED";"2020-08-31 23:56:03.182027713";
"6";"task-B4";"task-A";"/home/user/makbet/examples/01.dummy/tasks/generic-task";"1";"TERMINATED";"2020-08-31 23:56:04.238375080";
"7";"task-B5";"task-A";"/home/user/makbet/examples/01.dummy/tasks/generic-task";"1";"STARTED";"2020-08-31 23:56:04.362296060";
"7";"task-B5";"task-A";"/home/user/makbet/examples/01.dummy/tasks/generic-task";"1";"TERMINATED";"2020-08-31 23:56:05.412659255";
"8";"task-C";"task-B2 task-B3";"/home/user/makbet/examples/01.dummy/tasks/generic-task";"1";"STARTED";"2020-08-31 23:56:07.924800941";
"8";"task-C";"task-B2 task-B3";"/home/user/makbet/examples/01.dummy/tasks/generic-task";"1";"TERMINATED";"2020-08-31 23:56:08.974943831";
"9";"task-D";"task-C";"/home/user/makbet/examples/01.dummy/tasks/generic-task";"1";"STARTED";"2020-08-31 23:56:09.103416326";
"9";"task-D";"task-C";"/home/user/makbet/examples/01.dummy/tasks/generic-task";"1";"TERMINATED";"2020-08-31 23:56:10.154993911";

[user@localhost 01.dummy]$
Above results (which are valid for 01.dummy example) have been saved into this output.csv file.
Results for other makbet's examples are available here.


For every properly created scenario makbet is able to generate time profiling results per each task (target) called during the runtime. Such results can be generated by passing MAKBET_PROF=1 option to make execution command (by default MAKBET_PROF=0) as in example below:

[user@localhost 01.dummy]$ make makbet-clean && make all MAKBET_PROF=1

2020-10-10 19:53:24.373 [INFO]: Task "@01-INIT" (TASK_ID: 1) started.

2020-10-10 19:53:24.391 [INFO]: Task "@01-INIT" (TASK_ID: 1) terminated.

Profiling results of "@01-INIT" task:
T1: 1602352404.373039503s
T2: 1602352404.391242333s
T2 - T1: 00h:00m:00s.018ms

2020-10-10 19:53:24.490 [INFO]: Task "task-A" (TASK_ID: 2) started.

Script opts:
PATH (${0}) = /home/user/makbet/examples/01.dummy/tasks/generic-task
SLEEP (${1}) = 1
EXIT_CODE (${2}) = 0

2020-10-10 19:53:25.524 [INFO]: Task "task-A" (TASK_ID: 2) terminated.

Profiling results of "task-A" task:
T1: 1602352404.490856272s
T2: 1602352405.524938384s
T2 - T1: 00h:00m:01s.034ms

2020-10-10 19:53:25.680 [INFO]: Task "task-B1" (TASK_ID: 3) started.


2020-10-10 19:53:35.123 [INFO]: Task "all" (TASK_ID: 13) started.

2020-10-10 19:53:35.143 [INFO]: Task "all" (TASK_ID: 13) terminated.

Profiling results of "all" task:
T1: 1602352415.123305878s
T2: 1602352415.143659530s
T2 - T1: 00h:00m:00s.020ms
[user@localhost 01.dummy]$

makbet measures the duration of tasks with milliseconds (ms) accuracy.

When MAKBET_PROF=1 is passed to the make command then makbet will save some additional cfg files during the runtime. All these files will be saved in .makbet-cache/prof/cfg/ directory and they can be seen by invoking one of makbet's special targets: .show-prof-dir or .show-prof-cfg-dir.

For example:

[user@localhost 01.dummy]$ make .show-prof-dir
├── [-rw-r--r-- user user         220]  /home/user/makbet/.makbet-cache/prof/cfg/@01-INIT.cfg
├── [-rw-r--r-- user user         222]  /home/user/makbet/.makbet-cache/prof/cfg/all.cfg
├── [-rw-r--r-- user user         304]  /home/user/makbet/.makbet-cache/prof/cfg/task-A.cfg
├── [-rw-r--r-- user user         303]  /home/user/makbet/.makbet-cache/prof/cfg/task-B1.cfg
├── [-rw-r--r-- user user         303]  /home/user/makbet/.makbet-cache/prof/cfg/task-B2.cfg
├── [-rw-r--r-- user user         303]  /home/user/makbet/.makbet-cache/prof/cfg/task-B3.cfg
├── [-rw-r--r-- user user         303]  /home/user/makbet/.makbet-cache/prof/cfg/task-B4.cfg
├── [-rw-r--r-- user user         303]  /home/user/makbet/.makbet-cache/prof/cfg/task-B5.cfg
├── [-rw-r--r-- user user         311]  /home/user/makbet/.makbet-cache/prof/cfg/task-C.cfg
├── [-rw-r--r-- user user         302]  /home/user/makbet/.makbet-cache/prof/cfg/task-D.cfg
├── [-rw-r--r-- user user         327]  /home/user/makbet/.makbet-cache/prof/cfg/task-E.cfg
└── [-rw-r--r-- user user         225]  /home/user/makbet/.makbet-cache/prof/cfg/task-F.cfg

0 directories, 12 files

0 directories, 0 files
[user@localhost 01.dummy]$

An example content of cfg profiling file (generated for task all from 01.dummy example) can be seen below:

[user@localhost 01.dummy]$ echo ; cat /home/user/makbet/.makbet-cache/prof/cfg/all.cfg ; echo

TASK_DATE_TIME_STARTED="2020-10-10 19:53:35.123305878"
TASK_DATE_TIME_TERMINATED="2020-10-10 19:53:35.143659530"

[user@localhost 01.dummy]$

Every cfg profiling file has so-called key=value format and can be easily used for further processing if needed.

Saving profiling results in CSV files

Profiling results can be also saved in CSV format by combining option MAKBET_PROF=1 together with MAKBET_CSV=1.

For example:

[user@localhost 01.dummy]$ make makbet-clean && make all MAKBET_PROF=1 MAKBET_CSV=1

2020-10-10 19:53:24.373 [INFO]: Task "@01-INIT" (TASK_ID: 1) started.

2020-10-10 19:53:24.391 [INFO]: Task "@01-INIT" (TASK_ID: 1) terminated.

Profiling results of "@01-INIT" task:
T1: 1602352404.373039503s
T2: 1602352404.391242333s
T2 - T1: 00h:00m:00s.018ms

2020-10-10 19:53:24.490 [INFO]: Task "task-A" (TASK_ID: 2) started.

Script opts:
PATH (${0}) = /home/user/makbet/examples/01.dummy/tasks/generic-task
SLEEP (${1}) = 1
EXIT_CODE (${2}) = 0

2020-10-10 19:53:25.524 [INFO]: Task "task-A" (TASK_ID: 2) terminated.

Profiling results of "task-A" task:
T1: 1602352404.490856272s
T2: 1602352405.524938384s
T2 - T1: 00h:00m:01s.034ms

2020-10-10 19:53:25.680 [INFO]: Task "task-B1" (TASK_ID: 3) started.


2020-10-10 19:53:35.123 [INFO]: Task "all" (TASK_ID: 13) started.

2020-10-10 19:53:35.143 [INFO]: Task "all" (TASK_ID: 13) terminated.

Profiling results of "all" task:
T1: 1602352415.123305878s
T2: 1602352415.143659530s
T2 - T1: 00h:00m:00s.020ms
[user@localhost 01.dummy]$

When both MAKBET_PROF=1 and MAKBET_CSV=1 options are passed to the make command then makbet will save a pair of additional files for each target run during the runtime. As already mentioned above the MAKBET_PROF=1 option will produce cfg files inside .makbet-cache/prof/cfg/ directory. Using MAKBET_CSV=1 option will generate extra csv files inside corresponding .makbet-cache/prof/csv/ directory. The whole .makbet-cache/prof/ directory content can be shown by invoking makbet's special target .show-prof-dir as in example below:

[user@localhost 01.dummy]$ make .show-prof-dir
├── [-rw-r--r-- user user         220]  /home/user/makbet/.makbet-cache/prof/cfg/@01-INIT.cfg
├── [-rw-r--r-- user user         222]  /home/user/makbet/.makbet-cache/prof/cfg/all.cfg
├── [-rw-r--r-- user user         304]  /home/user/makbet/.makbet-cache/prof/cfg/task-A.cfg
├── [-rw-r--r-- user user         303]  /home/user/makbet/.makbet-cache/prof/cfg/task-B1.cfg
├── [-rw-r--r-- user user         303]  /home/user/makbet/.makbet-cache/prof/cfg/task-B2.cfg
├── [-rw-r--r-- user user         303]  /home/user/makbet/.makbet-cache/prof/cfg/task-B3.cfg
├── [-rw-r--r-- user user         303]  /home/user/makbet/.makbet-cache/prof/cfg/task-B4.cfg
├── [-rw-r--r-- user user         303]  /home/user/makbet/.makbet-cache/prof/cfg/task-B5.cfg
├── [-rw-r--r-- user user         311]  /home/user/makbet/.makbet-cache/prof/cfg/task-C.cfg
├── [-rw-r--r-- user user         302]  /home/user/makbet/.makbet-cache/prof/cfg/task-D.cfg
├── [-rw-r--r-- user user         327]  /home/user/makbet/.makbet-cache/prof/cfg/task-E.cfg
└── [-rw-r--r-- user user         225]  /home/user/makbet/.makbet-cache/prof/cfg/task-F.cfg

0 directories, 12 files
├── [-rw-r--r-- user user         222]  /home/user/makbet/.makbet-cache/prof/csv/@01-INIT.csv
├── [-rw-r--r-- user user         224]  /home/user/makbet/.makbet-cache/prof/csv/all.csv
├── [-rw-r--r-- user user         306]  /home/user/makbet/.makbet-cache/prof/csv/task-A.csv
├── [-rw-r--r-- user user         305]  /home/user/makbet/.makbet-cache/prof/csv/task-B1.csv
├── [-rw-r--r-- user user         305]  /home/user/makbet/.makbet-cache/prof/csv/task-B2.csv
├── [-rw-r--r-- user user         305]  /home/user/makbet/.makbet-cache/prof/csv/task-B3.csv
├── [-rw-r--r-- user user         305]  /home/user/makbet/.makbet-cache/prof/csv/task-B4.csv
├── [-rw-r--r-- user user         305]  /home/user/makbet/.makbet-cache/prof/csv/task-B5.csv
├── [-rw-r--r-- user user         313]  /home/user/makbet/.makbet-cache/prof/csv/task-C.csv
├── [-rw-r--r-- user user         304]  /home/user/makbet/.makbet-cache/prof/csv/task-D.csv
├── [-rw-r--r-- user user         329]  /home/user/makbet/.makbet-cache/prof/csv/task-E.csv
└── [-rw-r--r-- user user         227]  /home/user/makbet/.makbet-cache/prof/csv/task-F.csv

0 directories, 12 files
[user@localhost 01.dummy]$

For showing the content of .makbet-cache/prof/csv/ directory only, special, dedicated target .show-prof-csv-dir can be used:

[user@localhost 01.dummy]$ make .show-prof-csv-dir
├── [-rw-r--r-- user user         222]  /home/user/makbet/.makbet-cache/prof/csv/@01-INIT.csv
├── [-rw-r--r-- user user         224]  /home/user/makbet/.makbet-cache/prof/csv/all.csv
├── [-rw-r--r-- user user         306]  /home/user/makbet/.makbet-cache/prof/csv/task-A.csv
├── [-rw-r--r-- user user         305]  /home/user/makbet/.makbet-cache/prof/csv/task-B1.csv
├── [-rw-r--r-- user user         305]  /home/user/makbet/.makbet-cache/prof/csv/task-B2.csv
├── [-rw-r--r-- user user         305]  /home/user/makbet/.makbet-cache/prof/csv/task-B3.csv
├── [-rw-r--r-- user user         305]  /home/user/makbet/.makbet-cache/prof/csv/task-B4.csv
├── [-rw-r--r-- user user         305]  /home/user/makbet/.makbet-cache/prof/csv/task-B5.csv
├── [-rw-r--r-- user user         313]  /home/user/makbet/.makbet-cache/prof/csv/task-C.csv
├── [-rw-r--r-- user user         304]  /home/user/makbet/.makbet-cache/prof/csv/task-D.csv
├── [-rw-r--r-- user user         329]  /home/user/makbet/.makbet-cache/prof/csv/task-E.csv
└── [-rw-r--r-- user user         227]  /home/user/makbet/.makbet-cache/prof/csv/task-F.csv

0 directories, 12 files
[user@localhost 01.dummy]$

An example content of csv profiling file (generated for task all from 01.dummy example) can be seen below:

[user@localhost 01.dummy]$ echo ; cat /home/user/makbet/.makbet-cache/prof/csv/all.csv ; echo

"13";"all";"task-F";"";"";"2020-10-10 19:53:35.123305878";"2020-10-10 19:53:35.143659530";00h:00m:00s.020ms;

[user@localhost 01.dummy]$

The most sophisticated profiling target (named .show-merged-csv-profiles) will merge all the contents of generated csv profiling files and display it as a single listing on the console:

[user@localhost 01.dummy]$ echo ; make .show-merged-csv-profiles

"1";"@01-INIT";"";"";"";"2020-10-10 19:53:24.373039503";"2020-10-10 19:53:24.391242333";00h:00m:00s.018ms;
"10";"task-E";"task-B1 task-B4 task-B5 task-D";"/home/user/makbet/examples/01.dummy/tasks/generic-task";"1";"2020-10-10 19:53:33.833312565";"2020-10-10 19:53:34.871290211";00h:00m:01s.037ms;
"11";"task-F";"task-E";"";"";"2020-10-10 19:53:34.988159983";"2020-10-10 19:53:35.009261860";00h:00m:00s.021ms;
"13";"all";"task-F";"";"";"2020-10-10 19:53:35.123305878";"2020-10-10 19:53:35.143659530";00h:00m:00s.020ms;
"2";"task-A";"@01-INIT";"/home/user/makbet/examples/01.dummy/tasks/generic-task";"1";"2020-10-10 19:53:24.490856272";"2020-10-10 19:53:25.524938384";00h:00m:01s.034ms;
"3";"task-B1";"task-A";"/home/user/makbet/examples/01.dummy/tasks/generic-task";"1";"2020-10-10 19:53:25.680238597";"2020-10-10 19:53:26.724783327";00h:00m:01s.044ms;
"4";"task-B2";"task-A";"/home/user/makbet/examples/01.dummy/tasks/generic-task";"1";"2020-10-10 19:53:29.184722456";"2020-10-10 19:53:30.216890547";00h:00m:01s.032ms;
"5";"task-B3";"task-A";"/home/user/makbet/examples/01.dummy/tasks/generic-task";"1";"2020-10-10 19:53:30.342059102";"2020-10-10 19:53:31.377982995";00h:00m:01s.035ms;
"6";"task-B4";"task-A";"/home/user/makbet/examples/01.dummy/tasks/generic-task";"1";"2020-10-10 19:53:26.857648363";"2020-10-10 19:53:27.897165844";00h:00m:01s.039ms;
"7";"task-B5";"task-A";"/home/user/makbet/examples/01.dummy/tasks/generic-task";"1";"2020-10-10 19:53:28.000244187";"2020-10-10 19:53:29.042166621";00h:00m:01s.041ms;
"8";"task-C";"task-B2 task-B3";"/home/user/makbet/examples/01.dummy/tasks/generic-task";"1";"2020-10-10 19:53:31.499257448";"2020-10-10 19:53:32.549793914";00h:00m:01s.050ms;
"9";"task-D";"task-C";"/home/user/makbet/examples/01.dummy/tasks/generic-task";"1";"2020-10-10 19:53:32.669063505";"2020-10-10 19:53:33.716411930";00h:00m:01s.047ms;

[user@localhost 01.dummy]$

Such output can be easily redirected/saved to the file for further processing or comparison.


Useful GNU Make links:

Useful DOT language links:

Useful CSV links:

All Bash scripts have been checked with shellcheck utility:


Pull requests are welcome! :)

For more details about contributing rules please check CONTRIBUTING.rst file.

Mission statement

"What's done, is done." - William Shakespeare, Macbeth.