
A tailwind-based collection of svelte components.

Primary LanguageHTMLGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


A tailwind-based collection of svelte components.

WTF is Twintrinsic?

I got this idea during the christmas break of 2022 when I was looking for a new UI library that was flexible enough to allow me to extend it in ways I wanted and had good accessibility support. After combing through a bunch, I got the idea to try to create a small lib that was basically extensions of HTML. Since HTML elements already have basic accessibility built-in, it's a no-brainer to use these instead of fancy custom elements. I also wanted to use Tailwind for its themeability and easy customization. HTML in intrinsic to the web and tailwind is an extension, so i got tailwind + intrinsic = twintrinsic.


I am not going to worry about performance for now. I am going to use available HTML and CSS as much as possible, without using Javascript for interactivity unless absolutely necessary. This should keep the compiled bundle pretty performant. My main focus is going to be on code readability, accessibility, and extensibility.


This is in order of heirarchy.

  • Container

    • Panel (collapsible content and header)
      • Sidebar (attaches to side of parent)
      • BottomBar
      • Accordion
      • Card
      • Lazy (content loads when card is visible)
      • [ ]
    • AppHeader
    • App
      • split is IDE-style (resizable panels)
  • Separator (visual HR/VR with text, icon, etc)

  • [ ]Form

    • General (all inputs)
      • Input Validation
      • floating labels (optional)
      • compact view ("input group" with icons on left/right)
      • Placeholder
      • input masking (formatting display)
    • AutoComplete
    • Calendar
    • Checkbox
      • configurable states / icons
    • ListInput (multiple value with "chips")
    • ColorPicker
    • Dropdown
      • Cascading Menu
      • Multiple selection
      • icons
    • FloatLabel
    • NumberInput
      • unit display (with masking)
      • vertical
    • InputSwitch
    • InputText
    • InvalidState
    • Knob (circle progress "slider")
    • Listbox
    • MultiSelect
    • Password
    • RadioButton
    • Rating
    • SelectButton
    • Slider
    • Textarea
    • ToggleButton
    • TreeSelect
    • Validation on all inputs
    • [ ]
  • Advanced

    • Editor
    • Terminal
  • [ ]General

    • Localization
    • Theming
      • Colors
    • Specifying Iconsets
  • Button

    • Button
    • Speed Dial
    • SplitButton
  • Data

    • DataTable
    • DataView
    • VirtualScroller
    • FilterService
    • FullCalendar
    • OrderList
    • OrganizationChart
    • Paginator
    • PickList
    • Timeline
    • Tree
    • TreeTable
  • Panel

    • Accordion
    • Card
    • Deferred
    • Divider
    • Fieldset
    • Panel
    • Splitter
    • ScrollPanel
    • TabView
    • Toolbar
  • Overlay

    • ConfirmDialog
    • ConfirmPopup
    • Dialog
    • DynamicDialog
    • OverlayPanel
    • Sidebar
    • Tooltip
  • File

    • Upload
  • Menu

    • MenuModel
    • BreadCrumb
    • ContextMenu
    • MegaMenu
    • Menu
    • Menubar
    • PanelMenu
    • Steps
    • TabMenu
    • TieredMenu
    • Dock
  • Chart

    • ChartModel
    • Pie
    • Doughnut
    • Bar
    • Line
    • PolarArea
    • Radar
    • Combo
  • Messages

    • Message
    • Toast
    • Media
    • Carousel
    • Galleria
    • Image
  • Misc

    • Avatar
    • Badge
    • BlockUI
    • Chip
    • FocusTrap
    • Inplace
    • ProgressBar
    • ProgressSpinner
    • Ripple
    • ScrollTop
    • Skeleton
    • StyleClass
    • Tag
    • Terminal

Recommended IDE Setup


Everything you need to build a Svelte project, powered by create-svelte.

Creating a project

If you're seeing this, you've probably already done this step. Congrats!

# create a new project in the current directory
npm create svelte@latest

# create a new project in my-app
npm create svelte@latest my-app


Once you've created a project and installed dependencies with npm install (or pnpm install or yarn), start a development server:

npm run dev

# or start the server and open the app in a new browser tab
npm run dev -- --open


To create a production version of your app:

npm run build

You can preview the production build with npm run preview.

To deploy your app, you may need to install an adapter for your target environment.