
A golang debugger using the age-old "inject printf statements into your code."

Primary LanguageGo

What is this?

A go tool to help with adding and removing printf debug statements


I created this to learn golang and because while working on another project I was very confused by a wall of output produced by a panic from within a goroutine from within a library dependency.

I don't know how to use go debug tools.


CLI Usage

Organized debugging using printf statements

  printfdebug [command]

Available Commands:
  add         Add printf debug statements to all functions.
  completion  Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
  help        Help about any command
  remove      Remove printf debug statements in all locations that this tool previously added them to.

  -f, --file string             The file path.
  -h, --help                    help for printfdebug
  -n, --no-runtime              Disable the injection of the printfdebug function definition into your file. The alternative is a simple fmt.Printf statement.
  -o, --out-file write          An optional output file. Cannot be used with write
  -d, --path-depth no-runtime   Is only taken into account if no-runtime is not set. The depth of the directory tree to print from the printf function. Defaults to only the current file name. (default 1)
  -w, --write                   If specified, the file on disk is overwritten. The default is to output to stdout.

Use "printfdebug [command] --help" for more information about a command.


  • Modifies your code by adding printf statements upon entering and exiting functions
  • Captures all function exits branches, panics, system exits, and fatal logs
  • Optionally injects a function to help print the current file name and line number (if anyone knows a way of doing this on a single line, I could remove this feature completely!)
  • Support all functions (that I know of)
    • functions stored as variables (uses variable name as function name)
    • struct methods
    • anonymous functions
    • declared functions
    • nested functions
    • immediately invoked functions
  • Idempotent operations.
    • Running printfdebug add multiple times on the same input produces sane results
    • Running printfdebug add on code that's been modified since the last run updates the code to add new printf statements
    • Running printfdebug remove cleans up all traces of the debugger

Non features

  • Complex control flow analysis to avoid extraneous placement of printf statements
  • Working with custom code bases that have modified the standard library


  • Go fmt automatically (or does dst alreadu handle that?)
  • Optional message formatting (before and after function with linenum and name as template vars)
  • Optional list of excluded or included function names
  • Clean up TODO's in code


To add a new test

  1. Make your changes
  2. Create a new file in internal/testassets
  3. Run go run internal/tests/gen_tests/gen_tests.go to generate the output according to the current state of the package. This will:
    1. Do a rebuild of the cli and overwrite the file printfdebug in the root of the repo
    2. Generate output for each file in internal/tests/testassets for the standard case and no-runtime case
    3. Generate a test for each case and write to internal/ast_test.go
  4. Make sure the outputs in internal/tests/testassets/results/noruntime and internal/tests/testassets/results/runtime are correct (otherwise go back to step 1 and iterate)
  5. Run go test -v internal/ast_test.go from the root directory (right now things are very path dependent)


The readme is generated automatically to inject examples and CLI usage. After adding tests or modifying the CLI, run go run internal/readme/gen_readme.go

Do not make changed directly to the README.md file. Only ever make changes to the file README_template.md and regenerate.


The below examples are generated automatically from test results

Anonymous Function (No Runtime)

Running printfdebug --file internal/tests/testassets/AnonymousFunc.go add --no-runtime On a file containing

package testassest

func AnonymousFunc() {
	func() {

Will produce the following result

package testassest

import "fmt"

func AnonymousFunc() {
	fmt.Println("Entering \"AnonymousFunc\"\n") // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
	func() {
		fmt.Println("Entering \"anonymous-function Fun\"\n") // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
		fmt.Println("Leaving \"anonymous-function Fun\"\n")  // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
	fmt.Println("Leaving \"AnonymousFunc\"\n") // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
Anonymous Function (With Runtime)

Running printfdebug --file internal/tests/testassets/AnonymousFunc.go add On a file containing

package testassest

func AnonymousFunc() {
	func() {

Will produce the following result

package testassest

import (

func AnonymousFunc() {
	printfdebug_Printf_AnonymousFunc("Entering \"AnonymousFunc\"\n", 1) // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
	func() {
		printfdebug_Printf_AnonymousFunc("Entering \"anonymous-function Fun\"\n", 1) // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
		printfdebug_Printf_AnonymousFunc("Leaving \"anonymous-function Fun\"\n", 1)  // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
	printfdebug_Printf_AnonymousFunc("Leaving \"AnonymousFunc\"\n", 1) // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.

var _ = strings.Split    // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
var _ = os.PathSeparator // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
var _ = runtime.Caller   // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
var _ = filepath.Clean   // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
var _ = fmt.Println      // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
func printfdebug_Printf_AnonymousFunc(message string, pathDepthFromEnd int) {
	minInt := func(first int, second int) (min int) {
		if first < second {
			return first
		} else {
			return second

	_, file, line, ok := runtime.Caller(1)
	if ok {
		fileParts := strings.Split(file, string(os.PathSeparator))
		pathFromEndSafe := minInt(len(fileParts), pathDepthFromEnd)
		limited := filepath.Join(fileParts[len(fileParts)-pathFromEndSafe:]...)
		limitedCleaned := "??"
		if limited != "" {
			limitedCleaned = limited
		fmt.Printf("%v:%v %v\n", limitedCleaned, line, message)
	} else {
		fmt.Printf("unkown_file:? %v\n", message)
Function (No Runtime)

Running printfdebug --file internal/tests/testassets/Func.go add --no-runtime On a file containing

package testassest

func Func() {

Will produce the following result

package testassest

import "fmt"

func Func() {
	fmt.Println("Entering \"Func\"\n") // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
	fmt.Println("Leaving \"Func\"\n")  // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
Function (With Runtime)

Running printfdebug --file internal/tests/testassets/Func.go add On a file containing

package testassest

func Func() {

Will produce the following result

package testassest

import (

func Func() {
	printfdebug_Printf_Func("Entering \"Func\"\n", 1) // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
	printfdebug_Printf_Func("Leaving \"Func\"\n", 1)  // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.

var _ = runtime.Caller   // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
var _ = filepath.Clean   // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
var _ = fmt.Println      // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
var _ = strings.Split    // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
var _ = os.PathSeparator // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
func printfdebug_Printf_Func(message string, pathDepthFromEnd int) {
	minInt := func(first int, second int) (min int) {
		if first < second {
			return first
		} else {
			return second

	_, file, line, ok := runtime.Caller(1)
	if ok {
		fileParts := strings.Split(file, string(os.PathSeparator))
		pathFromEndSafe := minInt(len(fileParts), pathDepthFromEnd)
		limited := filepath.Join(fileParts[len(fileParts)-pathFromEndSafe:]...)
		limitedCleaned := "??"
		if limited != "" {
			limitedCleaned = limited
		fmt.Printf("%v:%v %v\n", limitedCleaned, line, message)
	} else {
		fmt.Printf("unkown_file:? %v\n", message)
Function Immediately Invoked (No Runtime)

Running printfdebug --file internal/tests/testassets/FuncImmediatelyInvoked.go add --no-runtime On a file containing

package testassest

var FuncImmediatelyInvoked = func() error {
	return nil

Will produce the following result

package testassest

import "fmt"

var FuncImmediatelyInvoked = func() error {
	fmt.Println("Entering \"FuncImmediatelyInvoked\"\n") // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
	fmt.Println("Leaving \"FuncImmediatelyInvoked\"\n")  // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
	return nil
Function Immediately Invoked (With Runtime)

Running printfdebug --file internal/tests/testassets/FuncImmediatelyInvoked.go add On a file containing

package testassest

var FuncImmediatelyInvoked = func() error {
	return nil

Will produce the following result

package testassest

import (

var FuncImmediatelyInvoked = func() error {
	printfdebug_Printf_FuncImmediatelyInvoked("Entering \"FuncImmediatelyInvoked\"\n", 1) // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
	printfdebug_Printf_FuncImmediatelyInvoked("Leaving \"FuncImmediatelyInvoked\"\n", 1)  // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
	return nil
var _ = filepath.Clean   // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
var _ = fmt.Println      // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
var _ = strings.Split    // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
var _ = os.PathSeparator // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
var _ = runtime.Caller   // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
func printfdebug_Printf_FuncImmediatelyInvoked(message string, pathDepthFromEnd int) {
	minInt := func(first int, second int) (min int) {
		if first < second {
			return first
		} else {
			return second

	_, file, line, ok := runtime.Caller(1)
	if ok {
		fileParts := strings.Split(file, string(os.PathSeparator))
		pathFromEndSafe := minInt(len(fileParts), pathDepthFromEnd)
		limited := filepath.Join(fileParts[len(fileParts)-pathFromEndSafe:]...)
		limitedCleaned := "??"
		if limited != "" {
			limitedCleaned = limited
		fmt.Printf("%v:%v %v\n", limitedCleaned, line, message)
	} else {
		fmt.Printf("unkown_file:? %v\n", message)
Function Log Fatal (No Runtime)

Running printfdebug --file internal/tests/testassets/FuncLogFatal.go add --no-runtime On a file containing

package testassest

import (

func FuncLogFatal() {

func FuncLogFatalln() {

func FuncLogFatalf() {


Will produce the following result

package testassest

import (

func FuncLogFatal() {
	fmt.Println("Entering \"FuncLogFatal\"\n") // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
	fmt.Println("Leaving \"FuncLogFatal\"\n")  // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
	fmt.Println("Leaving \"FuncLogFatal\"\n") // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.

func FuncLogFatalln() {
	fmt.Println("Entering \"FuncLogFatalln\"\n") // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
	fmt.Println("Leaving \"FuncLogFatalln\"\n")  // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.

	fmt.Println("Leaving \"FuncLogFatalln\"\n") // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
func FuncLogFatalf() {
	fmt.Println("Entering \"FuncLogFatalf\"\n") // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
	fmt.Println("Leaving \"FuncLogFatalf\"\n")  // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.

	fmt.Println("Leaving \"FuncLogFatalf\"\n") // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
Function Log Fatal (With Runtime)

Running printfdebug --file internal/tests/testassets/FuncLogFatal.go add On a file containing

package testassest

import (

func FuncLogFatal() {

func FuncLogFatalln() {

func FuncLogFatalf() {


Will produce the following result

package testassest

import (

func FuncLogFatal() {
	printfdebug_Printf_FuncLogFatal("Entering \"FuncLogFatal\"\n", 1) // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
	printfdebug_Printf_FuncLogFatal("Leaving \"FuncLogFatal\"\n", 1)  // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
	printfdebug_Printf_FuncLogFatal("Leaving \"FuncLogFatal\"\n", 1) // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.

func FuncLogFatalln() {
	printfdebug_Printf_FuncLogFatal("Entering \"FuncLogFatalln\"\n", 1) // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
	printfdebug_Printf_FuncLogFatal("Leaving \"FuncLogFatalln\"\n", 1)  // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.

	printfdebug_Printf_FuncLogFatal("Leaving \"FuncLogFatalln\"\n", 1) // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
func FuncLogFatalf() {
	printfdebug_Printf_FuncLogFatal("Entering \"FuncLogFatalf\"\n", 1) // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
	printfdebug_Printf_FuncLogFatal("Leaving \"FuncLogFatalf\"\n", 1)  // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.

	printfdebug_Printf_FuncLogFatal("Leaving \"FuncLogFatalf\"\n", 1) // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.

var _ = runtime.Caller   // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
var _ = filepath.Clean   // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
var _ = fmt.Println      // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
var _ = strings.Split    // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
var _ = os.PathSeparator // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
func printfdebug_Printf_FuncLogFatal(message string, pathDepthFromEnd int) {
	minInt := func(first int, second int) (min int) {
		if first < second {
			return first
		} else {
			return second

	_, file, line, ok := runtime.Caller(1)
	if ok {
		fileParts := strings.Split(file, string(os.PathSeparator))
		pathFromEndSafe := minInt(len(fileParts), pathDepthFromEnd)
		limited := filepath.Join(fileParts[len(fileParts)-pathFromEndSafe:]...)
		limitedCleaned := "??"
		if limited != "" {
			limitedCleaned = limited
		fmt.Printf("%v:%v %v\n", limitedCleaned, line, message)
	} else {
		fmt.Printf("unkown_file:? %v\n", message)
Function Os Exit (No Runtime)

Running printfdebug --file internal/tests/testassets/FuncOsExit.go add --no-runtime On a file containing

package testassest

import "os"

func FuncOsExit() {

Will produce the following result

package testassest

import (

func FuncOsExit() {
	fmt.Println("Entering \"FuncOsExit\"\n") // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
	fmt.Println("Leaving \"FuncOsExit\"\n")  // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
	fmt.Println("Leaving \"FuncOsExit\"\n") // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
Function Os Exit (With Runtime)

Running printfdebug --file internal/tests/testassets/FuncOsExit.go add On a file containing

package testassest

import "os"

func FuncOsExit() {

Will produce the following result

package testassest

import (

func FuncOsExit() {
	printfdebug_Printf_FuncOsExit("Entering \"FuncOsExit\"\n", 1) // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
	printfdebug_Printf_FuncOsExit("Leaving \"FuncOsExit\"\n", 1)  // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
	printfdebug_Printf_FuncOsExit("Leaving \"FuncOsExit\"\n", 1) // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.

var _ = fmt.Println      // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
var _ = strings.Split    // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
var _ = os.PathSeparator // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
var _ = runtime.Caller   // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
var _ = filepath.Clean   // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
func printfdebug_Printf_FuncOsExit(message string, pathDepthFromEnd int) {
	minInt := func(first int, second int) (min int) {
		if first < second {
			return first
		} else {
			return second

	_, file, line, ok := runtime.Caller(1)
	if ok {
		fileParts := strings.Split(file, string(os.PathSeparator))
		pathFromEndSafe := minInt(len(fileParts), pathDepthFromEnd)
		limited := filepath.Join(fileParts[len(fileParts)-pathFromEndSafe:]...)
		limitedCleaned := "??"
		if limited != "" {
			limitedCleaned = limited
		fmt.Printf("%v:%v %v\n", limitedCleaned, line, message)
	} else {
		fmt.Printf("unkown_file:? %v\n", message)
Function Panic (No Runtime)

Running printfdebug --file internal/tests/testassets/FuncPanic.go add --no-runtime On a file containing

package testassest

func FuncPanic() {
	panic("Oh no, how will we know how we got here?")

Will produce the following result

package testassest

import "fmt"

func FuncPanic() {
	fmt.Println("Entering \"FuncPanic\"\n") // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
	fmt.Println("Leaving \"FuncPanic\"\n")  // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
	panic("Oh no, how will we know how we got here?")
	fmt.Println("Leaving \"FuncPanic\"\n") // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
Function Panic (With Runtime)

Running printfdebug --file internal/tests/testassets/FuncPanic.go add On a file containing

package testassest

func FuncPanic() {
	panic("Oh no, how will we know how we got here?")

Will produce the following result

package testassest

import (

func FuncPanic() {
	printfdebug_Printf_FuncPanic("Entering \"FuncPanic\"\n", 1) // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
	printfdebug_Printf_FuncPanic("Leaving \"FuncPanic\"\n", 1)  // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
	panic("Oh no, how will we know how we got here?")
	printfdebug_Printf_FuncPanic("Leaving \"FuncPanic\"\n", 1) // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.

var _ = strings.Split    // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
var _ = os.PathSeparator // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
var _ = runtime.Caller   // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
var _ = filepath.Clean   // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
var _ = fmt.Println      // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
func printfdebug_Printf_FuncPanic(message string, pathDepthFromEnd int) {
	minInt := func(first int, second int) (min int) {
		if first < second {
			return first
		} else {
			return second

	_, file, line, ok := runtime.Caller(1)
	if ok {
		fileParts := strings.Split(file, string(os.PathSeparator))
		pathFromEndSafe := minInt(len(fileParts), pathDepthFromEnd)
		limited := filepath.Join(fileParts[len(fileParts)-pathFromEndSafe:]...)
		limitedCleaned := "??"
		if limited != "" {
			limitedCleaned = limited
		fmt.Printf("%v:%v %v\n", limitedCleaned, line, message)
	} else {
		fmt.Printf("unkown_file:? %v\n", message)
Function Stored As Variable (No Runtime)

Running printfdebug --file internal/tests/testassets/FuncStoredAsVar.go add --no-runtime On a file containing

package testassest

var FuncStoredAsVar = func() error {
	return nil

Will produce the following result

package testassest

import "fmt"

var FuncStoredAsVar = func() error {
	fmt.Println("Entering \"FuncStoredAsVar\"\n") // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
	fmt.Println("Leaving \"FuncStoredAsVar\"\n")  // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
	return nil
Function Stored As Variable (With Runtime)

Running printfdebug --file internal/tests/testassets/FuncStoredAsVar.go add On a file containing

package testassest

var FuncStoredAsVar = func() error {
	return nil

Will produce the following result

package testassest

import (

var FuncStoredAsVar = func() error {
	printfdebug_Printf_FuncStoredAsVar("Entering \"FuncStoredAsVar\"\n", 1) // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
	printfdebug_Printf_FuncStoredAsVar("Leaving \"FuncStoredAsVar\"\n", 1)  // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
	return nil
var _ = runtime.Caller   // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
var _ = filepath.Clean   // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
var _ = fmt.Println      // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
var _ = strings.Split    // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
var _ = os.PathSeparator // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
func printfdebug_Printf_FuncStoredAsVar(message string, pathDepthFromEnd int) {
	minInt := func(first int, second int) (min int) {
		if first < second {
			return first
		} else {
			return second

	_, file, line, ok := runtime.Caller(1)
	if ok {
		fileParts := strings.Split(file, string(os.PathSeparator))
		pathFromEndSafe := minInt(len(fileParts), pathDepthFromEnd)
		limited := filepath.Join(fileParts[len(fileParts)-pathFromEndSafe:]...)
		limitedCleaned := "??"
		if limited != "" {
			limitedCleaned = limited
		fmt.Printf("%v:%v %v\n", limitedCleaned, line, message)
	} else {
		fmt.Printf("unkown_file:? %v\n", message)
Function Stored As Variable Assignment (No Runtime)

Running printfdebug --file internal/tests/testassets/FuncStoredAsVarAssignment.go add --no-runtime On a file containing

package testassest

func FuncStoredAsVarAssignment() {
	FuncStoredAsVarInnerSingle := func() error {
		return nil
	FuncStoredAsVarInnerMulti, _ := func() error {
		return nil
	}, ""

	_ = FuncStoredAsVarInnerMulti
	_ = FuncStoredAsVarInnerSingle

Will produce the following result

package testassest

import "fmt"

func FuncStoredAsVarAssignment() {
	fmt.Println("Entering \"FuncStoredAsVarAssignment\"\n") // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
	FuncStoredAsVarInnerSingle := func() error {
		fmt.Println("Entering \"FuncStoredAsVarInnerSingle\"\n") // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
		fmt.Println("Leaving \"FuncStoredAsVarInnerSingle\"\n")  // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
		return nil
	FuncStoredAsVarInnerMulti, _ := func() error {
		fmt.Println("Entering \"FuncStoredAsVarInnerMulti\"\n") // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
		fmt.Println("Leaving \"FuncStoredAsVarInnerMulti\"\n")  // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
		return nil
	}, ""

	_ = FuncStoredAsVarInnerMulti
	_ = FuncStoredAsVarInnerSingle
	fmt.Println("Leaving \"FuncStoredAsVarAssignment\"\n") // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
Function Stored As Variable Assignment (With Runtime)

Running printfdebug --file internal/tests/testassets/FuncStoredAsVarAssignment.go add On a file containing

package testassest

func FuncStoredAsVarAssignment() {
	FuncStoredAsVarInnerSingle := func() error {
		return nil
	FuncStoredAsVarInnerMulti, _ := func() error {
		return nil
	}, ""

	_ = FuncStoredAsVarInnerMulti
	_ = FuncStoredAsVarInnerSingle

Will produce the following result

package testassest

import (

func FuncStoredAsVarAssignment() {
	printfdebug_Printf_FuncStoredAsVarAssignment("Entering \"FuncStoredAsVarAssignment\"\n", 1) // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
	FuncStoredAsVarInnerSingle := func() error {
		printfdebug_Printf_FuncStoredAsVarAssignment("Entering \"FuncStoredAsVarInnerSingle\"\n", 1) // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
		printfdebug_Printf_FuncStoredAsVarAssignment("Leaving \"FuncStoredAsVarInnerSingle\"\n", 1)  // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
		return nil
	FuncStoredAsVarInnerMulti, _ := func() error {
		printfdebug_Printf_FuncStoredAsVarAssignment("Entering \"FuncStoredAsVarInnerMulti\"\n", 1) // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
		printfdebug_Printf_FuncStoredAsVarAssignment("Leaving \"FuncStoredAsVarInnerMulti\"\n", 1)  // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
		return nil
	}, ""

	_ = FuncStoredAsVarInnerMulti
	_ = FuncStoredAsVarInnerSingle
	printfdebug_Printf_FuncStoredAsVarAssignment("Leaving \"FuncStoredAsVarAssignment\"\n", 1) // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.

var _ = runtime.Caller   // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
var _ = filepath.Clean   // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
var _ = fmt.Println      // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
var _ = strings.Split    // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
var _ = os.PathSeparator // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
func printfdebug_Printf_FuncStoredAsVarAssignment(message string, pathDepthFromEnd int) {
	minInt := func(first int, second int) (min int) {
		if first < second {
			return first
		} else {
			return second

	_, file, line, ok := runtime.Caller(1)
	if ok {
		fileParts := strings.Split(file, string(os.PathSeparator))
		pathFromEndSafe := minInt(len(fileParts), pathDepthFromEnd)
		limited := filepath.Join(fileParts[len(fileParts)-pathFromEndSafe:]...)
		limitedCleaned := "??"
		if limited != "" {
			limitedCleaned = limited
		fmt.Printf("%v:%v %v\n", limitedCleaned, line, message)
	} else {
		fmt.Printf("unkown_file:? %v\n", message)
Function Stored As Variable Value Spec (No Runtime)

Running printfdebug --file internal/tests/testassets/FuncStoredAsVarValueSpec.go add --no-runtime On a file containing

package testassest

func FuncStoredAsVarValueSpec() {
	var FuncStoredAsVarInnerSingle = func() error {
		return nil

	var FuncStoredAsVarInnerMutli, _ = func() error {
		return nil
	}, ""

	_ = FuncStoredAsVarInnerSingle
	_ = FuncStoredAsVarInnerMutli

Will produce the following result

package testassest

import "fmt"

func FuncStoredAsVarValueSpec() {
	fmt.Println("Entering \"FuncStoredAsVarValueSpec\"\n") // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
	var FuncStoredAsVarInnerSingle = func() error {
		fmt.Println("Entering \"FuncStoredAsVarInnerSingle\"\n") // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
		fmt.Println("Leaving \"FuncStoredAsVarInnerSingle\"\n")  // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
		return nil

	var FuncStoredAsVarInnerMutli, _ = func() error {
		fmt.Println("Entering \"FuncStoredAsVarInnerMutli\"\n") // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
		fmt.Println("Leaving \"FuncStoredAsVarInnerMutli\"\n")  // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
		return nil
	}, ""

	_ = FuncStoredAsVarInnerSingle
	_ = FuncStoredAsVarInnerMutli
	fmt.Println("Leaving \"FuncStoredAsVarValueSpec\"\n") // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
Function Stored As Variable Value Spec (With Runtime)

Running printfdebug --file internal/tests/testassets/FuncStoredAsVarValueSpec.go add On a file containing

package testassest

func FuncStoredAsVarValueSpec() {
	var FuncStoredAsVarInnerSingle = func() error {
		return nil

	var FuncStoredAsVarInnerMutli, _ = func() error {
		return nil
	}, ""

	_ = FuncStoredAsVarInnerSingle
	_ = FuncStoredAsVarInnerMutli

Will produce the following result

package testassest

import (

func FuncStoredAsVarValueSpec() {
	printfdebug_Printf_FuncStoredAsVarValueSpec("Entering \"FuncStoredAsVarValueSpec\"\n", 1) // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
	var FuncStoredAsVarInnerSingle = func() error {
		printfdebug_Printf_FuncStoredAsVarValueSpec("Entering \"FuncStoredAsVarInnerSingle\"\n", 1) // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
		printfdebug_Printf_FuncStoredAsVarValueSpec("Leaving \"FuncStoredAsVarInnerSingle\"\n", 1)  // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
		return nil

	var FuncStoredAsVarInnerMutli, _ = func() error {
		printfdebug_Printf_FuncStoredAsVarValueSpec("Entering \"FuncStoredAsVarInnerMutli\"\n", 1) // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
		printfdebug_Printf_FuncStoredAsVarValueSpec("Leaving \"FuncStoredAsVarInnerMutli\"\n", 1)  // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
		return nil
	}, ""

	_ = FuncStoredAsVarInnerSingle
	_ = FuncStoredAsVarInnerMutli
	printfdebug_Printf_FuncStoredAsVarValueSpec("Leaving \"FuncStoredAsVarValueSpec\"\n", 1) // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.

var _ = filepath.Clean   // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
var _ = fmt.Println      // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
var _ = strings.Split    // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
var _ = os.PathSeparator // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
var _ = runtime.Caller   // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
func printfdebug_Printf_FuncStoredAsVarValueSpec(message string, pathDepthFromEnd int) {
	minInt := func(first int, second int) (min int) {
		if first < second {
			return first
		} else {
			return second

	_, file, line, ok := runtime.Caller(1)
	if ok {
		fileParts := strings.Split(file, string(os.PathSeparator))
		pathFromEndSafe := minInt(len(fileParts), pathDepthFromEnd)
		limited := filepath.Join(fileParts[len(fileParts)-pathFromEndSafe:]...)
		limitedCleaned := "??"
		if limited != "" {
			limitedCleaned = limited
		fmt.Printf("%v:%v %v\n", limitedCleaned, line, message)
	} else {
		fmt.Printf("unkown_file:? %v\n", message)
Function With Arguments And Return (No Runtime)

Running printfdebug --file internal/tests/testassets/FuncWithArgsAndReturn.go add --no-runtime On a file containing

package testassest

func FuncWithArgsAndReturn(s2 string) error {
	// this is a comment on its own line
		This is a multi line
	return nil //This is inline comment

Will produce the following result

package testassest

import "fmt"

func FuncWithArgsAndReturn(s2 string) error {
	fmt.Println("Entering \"FuncWithArgsAndReturn\"\n") // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
	fmt.Println("Leaving \"FuncWithArgsAndReturn\"\n")  // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
	// this is a comment on its own line
		This is a multi line
	return nil //This is inline comment
Function With Arguments And Return (With Runtime)

Running printfdebug --file internal/tests/testassets/FuncWithArgsAndReturn.go add On a file containing

package testassest

func FuncWithArgsAndReturn(s2 string) error {
	// this is a comment on its own line
		This is a multi line
	return nil //This is inline comment

Will produce the following result

package testassest

import (

func FuncWithArgsAndReturn(s2 string) error {
	printfdebug_Printf_FuncWithArgsAndReturn("Entering \"FuncWithArgsAndReturn\"\n", 1) // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
	printfdebug_Printf_FuncWithArgsAndReturn("Leaving \"FuncWithArgsAndReturn\"\n", 1)  // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
	// this is a comment on its own line
		This is a multi line
	return nil //This is inline comment

var _ = runtime.Caller   // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
var _ = filepath.Clean   // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
var _ = fmt.Println      // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
var _ = strings.Split    // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
var _ = os.PathSeparator // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
func printfdebug_Printf_FuncWithArgsAndReturn(message string, pathDepthFromEnd int) {
	minInt := func(first int, second int) (min int) {
		if first < second {
			return first
		} else {
			return second

	_, file, line, ok := runtime.Caller(1)
	if ok {
		fileParts := strings.Split(file, string(os.PathSeparator))
		pathFromEndSafe := minInt(len(fileParts), pathDepthFromEnd)
		limited := filepath.Join(fileParts[len(fileParts)-pathFromEndSafe:]...)
		limitedCleaned := "??"
		if limited != "" {
			limitedCleaned = limited
		fmt.Printf("%v:%v %v\n", limitedCleaned, line, message)
	} else {
		fmt.Printf("unkown_file:? %v\n", message)
Function With Explicit Return (No Runtime)

Running printfdebug --file internal/tests/testassets/FuncWithExplicitReturn.go add --no-runtime On a file containing

package testassest

func FuncWithExplicitReturn() {

Will produce the following result

package testassest

import "fmt"

func FuncWithExplicitReturn() {
	fmt.Println("Entering \"FuncWithExplicitReturn\"\n") // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
	fmt.Println("Leaving \"FuncWithExplicitReturn\"\n")  // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
Function With Explicit Return (With Runtime)

Running printfdebug --file internal/tests/testassets/FuncWithExplicitReturn.go add On a file containing

package testassest

func FuncWithExplicitReturn() {

Will produce the following result

package testassest

import (

func FuncWithExplicitReturn() {
	printfdebug_Printf_FuncWithExplicitReturn("Entering \"FuncWithExplicitReturn\"\n", 1) // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
	printfdebug_Printf_FuncWithExplicitReturn("Leaving \"FuncWithExplicitReturn\"\n", 1)  // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.

var _ = strings.Split    // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
var _ = os.PathSeparator // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
var _ = runtime.Caller   // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
var _ = filepath.Clean   // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
var _ = fmt.Println      // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
func printfdebug_Printf_FuncWithExplicitReturn(message string, pathDepthFromEnd int) {
	minInt := func(first int, second int) (min int) {
		if first < second {
			return first
		} else {
			return second

	_, file, line, ok := runtime.Caller(1)
	if ok {
		fileParts := strings.Split(file, string(os.PathSeparator))
		pathFromEndSafe := minInt(len(fileParts), pathDepthFromEnd)
		limited := filepath.Join(fileParts[len(fileParts)-pathFromEndSafe:]...)
		limitedCleaned := "??"
		if limited != "" {
			limitedCleaned = limited
		fmt.Printf("%v:%v %v\n", limitedCleaned, line, message)
	} else {
		fmt.Printf("unkown_file:? %v\n", message)
Function With Many Return Statements (No Runtime)

Running printfdebug --file internal/tests/testassets/FuncWithManyReturnStatements.go add --no-runtime On a file containing

package testassest

func FuncWithManyReturnStatements() {
	if false {
	if false {
	if false {

Will produce the following result

package testassest

import "fmt"

func FuncWithManyReturnStatements() {
	fmt.Println("Entering \"FuncWithManyReturnStatements\"\n") // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
	if false {
		fmt.Println("Leaving \"FuncWithManyReturnStatements\"\n") // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
	if false {
		fmt.Println("Leaving \"FuncWithManyReturnStatements\"\n") // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
	if false {
		fmt.Println("Leaving \"FuncWithManyReturnStatements\"\n") // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
	fmt.Println("Leaving \"FuncWithManyReturnStatements\"\n") // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
Function With Many Return Statements (With Runtime)

Running printfdebug --file internal/tests/testassets/FuncWithManyReturnStatements.go add On a file containing

package testassest

func FuncWithManyReturnStatements() {
	if false {
	if false {
	if false {

Will produce the following result

package testassest

import (

func FuncWithManyReturnStatements() {
	printfdebug_Printf_FuncWithManyReturnStatements("Entering \"FuncWithManyReturnStatements\"\n", 1) // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
	if false {
		printfdebug_Printf_FuncWithManyReturnStatements("Leaving \"FuncWithManyReturnStatements\"\n", 1) // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
	if false {
		printfdebug_Printf_FuncWithManyReturnStatements("Leaving \"FuncWithManyReturnStatements\"\n", 1) // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
	if false {
		printfdebug_Printf_FuncWithManyReturnStatements("Leaving \"FuncWithManyReturnStatements\"\n", 1) // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
	printfdebug_Printf_FuncWithManyReturnStatements("Leaving \"FuncWithManyReturnStatements\"\n", 1) // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.

var _ = runtime.Caller   // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
var _ = filepath.Clean   // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
var _ = fmt.Println      // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
var _ = strings.Split    // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
var _ = os.PathSeparator // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
func printfdebug_Printf_FuncWithManyReturnStatements(message string, pathDepthFromEnd int) {
	minInt := func(first int, second int) (min int) {
		if first < second {
			return first
		} else {
			return second

	_, file, line, ok := runtime.Caller(1)
	if ok {
		fileParts := strings.Split(file, string(os.PathSeparator))
		pathFromEndSafe := minInt(len(fileParts), pathDepthFromEnd)
		limited := filepath.Join(fileParts[len(fileParts)-pathFromEndSafe:]...)
		limitedCleaned := "??"
		if limited != "" {
			limitedCleaned = limited
		fmt.Printf("%v:%v %v\n", limitedCleaned, line, message)
	} else {
		fmt.Printf("unkown_file:? %v\n", message)
Function With Nested Anonymous Functions (No Runtime)

Running printfdebug --file internal/tests/testassets/FuncWithNestedAnonymousFuncs.go add --no-runtime On a file containing

package testassest

func FuncWithNestedAnonymousFuncs() {
	innerFunc := func() {
		nestedInnerFunc := func() {}
	_ = innerFunc

Will produce the following result

package testassest

import "fmt"

func FuncWithNestedAnonymousFuncs() {
	fmt.Println("Entering \"FuncWithNestedAnonymousFuncs\"\n") // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
	innerFunc := func() {
		fmt.Println("Entering \"innerFunc\"\n") // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
		nestedInnerFunc := func() {
			fmt.Println("Entering \"nestedInnerFunc\"\n") // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
			fmt.Println("Leaving \"nestedInnerFunc\"\n")  // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
		fmt.Println("Leaving \"innerFunc\"\n") // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
	_ = innerFunc
	fmt.Println("Leaving \"FuncWithNestedAnonymousFuncs\"\n") // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
Function With Nested Anonymous Functions (With Runtime)

Running printfdebug --file internal/tests/testassets/FuncWithNestedAnonymousFuncs.go add On a file containing

package testassest

func FuncWithNestedAnonymousFuncs() {
	innerFunc := func() {
		nestedInnerFunc := func() {}
	_ = innerFunc

Will produce the following result

package testassest

import (

func FuncWithNestedAnonymousFuncs() {
	printfdebug_Printf_FuncWithNestedAnonymousFuncs("Entering \"FuncWithNestedAnonymousFuncs\"\n", 1) // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
	innerFunc := func() {
		printfdebug_Printf_FuncWithNestedAnonymousFuncs("Entering \"innerFunc\"\n", 1) // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
		nestedInnerFunc := func() {
			printfdebug_Printf_FuncWithNestedAnonymousFuncs("Entering \"nestedInnerFunc\"\n", 1) // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
			printfdebug_Printf_FuncWithNestedAnonymousFuncs("Leaving \"nestedInnerFunc\"\n", 1)  // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
		printfdebug_Printf_FuncWithNestedAnonymousFuncs("Leaving \"innerFunc\"\n", 1) // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
	_ = innerFunc
	printfdebug_Printf_FuncWithNestedAnonymousFuncs("Leaving \"FuncWithNestedAnonymousFuncs\"\n", 1) // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.

var _ = os.PathSeparator // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
var _ = runtime.Caller   // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
var _ = filepath.Clean   // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
var _ = fmt.Println      // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
var _ = strings.Split    // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
func printfdebug_Printf_FuncWithNestedAnonymousFuncs(message string, pathDepthFromEnd int) {
	minInt := func(first int, second int) (min int) {
		if first < second {
			return first
		} else {
			return second

	_, file, line, ok := runtime.Caller(1)
	if ok {
		fileParts := strings.Split(file, string(os.PathSeparator))
		pathFromEndSafe := minInt(len(fileParts), pathDepthFromEnd)
		limited := filepath.Join(fileParts[len(fileParts)-pathFromEndSafe:]...)
		limitedCleaned := "??"
		if limited != "" {
			limitedCleaned = limited
		fmt.Printf("%v:%v %v\n", limitedCleaned, line, message)
	} else {
		fmt.Printf("unkown_file:? %v\n", message)
Struct Method (No Runtime)

Running printfdebug --file internal/tests/testassets/StructMethod.go add --no-runtime On a file containing

package testassest

func (s *S) StructMethod() {


Will produce the following result

package testassest

import "fmt"

func (s *S) StructMethod() {

	fmt.Println("Entering \"StructMethod\"\n") // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
	fmt.Println("Leaving \"StructMethod\"\n")  // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
Struct Method (With Runtime)

Running printfdebug --file internal/tests/testassets/StructMethod.go add On a file containing

package testassest

func (s *S) StructMethod() {


Will produce the following result

package testassest

import (

func (s *S) StructMethod() {

	printfdebug_Printf_StructMethod("Entering \"StructMethod\"\n", 1) // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
	printfdebug_Printf_StructMethod("Leaving \"StructMethod\"\n", 1)  // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.

var _ = filepath.Clean   // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
var _ = fmt.Println      // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
var _ = strings.Split    // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
var _ = os.PathSeparator // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
var _ = runtime.Caller   // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
func printfdebug_Printf_StructMethod(message string, pathDepthFromEnd int) {
	minInt := func(first int, second int) (min int) {
		if first < second {
			return first
		} else {
			return second

	_, file, line, ok := runtime.Caller(1)
	if ok {
		fileParts := strings.Split(file, string(os.PathSeparator))
		pathFromEndSafe := minInt(len(fileParts), pathDepthFromEnd)
		limited := filepath.Join(fileParts[len(fileParts)-pathFromEndSafe:]...)
		limitedCleaned := "??"
		if limited != "" {
			limitedCleaned = limited
		fmt.Printf("%v:%v %v\n", limitedCleaned, line, message)
	} else {
		fmt.Printf("unkown_file:? %v\n", message)
Struct Method With Arguments (No Runtime)

Running printfdebug --file internal/tests/testassets/StructMethodWithArgs.go add --no-runtime On a file containing

package testassest

func (s *S) StructMethodWithArgs(s2 string) {

Will produce the following result

package testassest

import "fmt"

func (s *S) StructMethodWithArgs(s2 string) {
	fmt.Println("Entering \"StructMethodWithArgs\"\n") // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
	fmt.Println("Leaving \"StructMethodWithArgs\"\n")  // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
Struct Method With Arguments (With Runtime)

Running printfdebug --file internal/tests/testassets/StructMethodWithArgs.go add On a file containing

package testassest

func (s *S) StructMethodWithArgs(s2 string) {

Will produce the following result

package testassest

import (

func (s *S) StructMethodWithArgs(s2 string) {
	printfdebug_Printf_StructMethodWithArgs("Entering \"StructMethodWithArgs\"\n", 1) // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
	printfdebug_Printf_StructMethodWithArgs("Leaving \"StructMethodWithArgs\"\n", 1)  // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.

var _ = strings.Split    // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
var _ = os.PathSeparator // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
var _ = runtime.Caller   // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
var _ = filepath.Clean   // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
var _ = fmt.Println      // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
func printfdebug_Printf_StructMethodWithArgs(message string, pathDepthFromEnd int) {
	minInt := func(first int, second int) (min int) {
		if first < second {
			return first
		} else {
			return second

	_, file, line, ok := runtime.Caller(1)
	if ok {
		fileParts := strings.Split(file, string(os.PathSeparator))
		pathFromEndSafe := minInt(len(fileParts), pathDepthFromEnd)
		limited := filepath.Join(fileParts[len(fileParts)-pathFromEndSafe:]...)
		limitedCleaned := "??"
		if limited != "" {
			limitedCleaned = limited
		fmt.Printf("%v:%v %v\n", limitedCleaned, line, message)
	} else {
		fmt.Printf("unkown_file:? %v\n", message)
Struct Method With Arguments And Return (No Runtime)

Running printfdebug --file internal/tests/testassets/StructMethodWithArgsAndReturn.go add --no-runtime On a file containing

package testassest

func (s *S) StructMethodWithArgsAndReturn(s2 string) error {
	return nil

Will produce the following result

package testassest

import "fmt"

func (s *S) StructMethodWithArgsAndReturn(s2 string) error {
	fmt.Println("Entering \"StructMethodWithArgsAndReturn\"\n") // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
	fmt.Println("Leaving \"StructMethodWithArgsAndReturn\"\n")  // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
	return nil
Struct Method With Arguments And Return (With Runtime)

Running printfdebug --file internal/tests/testassets/StructMethodWithArgsAndReturn.go add On a file containing

package testassest

func (s *S) StructMethodWithArgsAndReturn(s2 string) error {
	return nil

Will produce the following result

package testassest

import (

func (s *S) StructMethodWithArgsAndReturn(s2 string) error {
	printfdebug_Printf_StructMethodWithArgsAndReturn("Entering \"StructMethodWithArgsAndReturn\"\n", 1) // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
	printfdebug_Printf_StructMethodWithArgsAndReturn("Leaving \"StructMethodWithArgsAndReturn\"\n", 1)  // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
	return nil

var _ = strings.Split    // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
var _ = os.PathSeparator // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
var _ = runtime.Caller   // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
var _ = filepath.Clean   // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
var _ = fmt.Println      // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
func printfdebug_Printf_StructMethodWithArgsAndReturn(message string, pathDepthFromEnd int) {
	minInt := func(first int, second int) (min int) {
		if first < second {
			return first
		} else {
			return second

	_, file, line, ok := runtime.Caller(1)
	if ok {
		fileParts := strings.Split(file, string(os.PathSeparator))
		pathFromEndSafe := minInt(len(fileParts), pathDepthFromEnd)
		limited := filepath.Join(fileParts[len(fileParts)-pathFromEndSafe:]...)
		limitedCleaned := "??"
		if limited != "" {
			limitedCleaned = limited
		fmt.Printf("%v:%v %v\n", limitedCleaned, line, message)
	} else {
		fmt.Printf("unkown_file:? %v\n", message)
Struct Method With Return (No Runtime)

Running printfdebug --file internal/tests/testassets/StructMethodWithReturn.go add --no-runtime On a file containing

package testassest

func (s *S) StructMethodWithReturn() error {
	return nil

Will produce the following result

package testassest

import "fmt"

func (s *S) StructMethodWithReturn() error {
	fmt.Println("Entering \"StructMethodWithReturn\"\n") // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
	fmt.Println("Leaving \"StructMethodWithReturn\"\n")  // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
	return nil
Struct Method With Return (With Runtime)

Running printfdebug --file internal/tests/testassets/StructMethodWithReturn.go add On a file containing

package testassest

func (s *S) StructMethodWithReturn() error {
	return nil

Will produce the following result

package testassest

import (

func (s *S) StructMethodWithReturn() error {
	printfdebug_Printf_StructMethodWithReturn("Entering \"StructMethodWithReturn\"\n", 1) // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
	printfdebug_Printf_StructMethodWithReturn("Leaving \"StructMethodWithReturn\"\n", 1)  // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
	return nil

var _ = runtime.Caller   // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
var _ = filepath.Clean   // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
var _ = fmt.Println      // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
var _ = strings.Split    // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
var _ = os.PathSeparator // automatically added by printf-debugger. Do not change this comment. It is an identifier.
func printfdebug_Printf_StructMethodWithReturn(message string, pathDepthFromEnd int) {
	minInt := func(first int, second int) (min int) {
		if first < second {
			return first
		} else {
			return second

	_, file, line, ok := runtime.Caller(1)
	if ok {
		fileParts := strings.Split(file, string(os.PathSeparator))
		pathFromEndSafe := minInt(len(fileParts), pathDepthFromEnd)
		limited := filepath.Join(fileParts[len(fileParts)-pathFromEndSafe:]...)
		limitedCleaned := "??"
		if limited != "" {
			limitedCleaned = limited
		fmt.Printf("%v:%v %v\n", limitedCleaned, line, message)
	} else {
		fmt.Printf("unkown_file:? %v\n", message)

Prior work


I actually only found this project after I wrote this tool and was looking for a name. yuuki0xff's printfdebug is not maintained and less complete.

yuuki0xff, If you're reading this let me know if you'd like to combine forces!