
Proof of concept project for the storefront rw in backbonejs

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Proof of concept of static only storefront implementation.

==Configuring your environment==
1. Checkout this code.
2. Make sure apache2 is installed.
3. Set up a softlink from document root to the location that you checked out this code.
  - You can findout where your document root is by looking at ${apache_home}/sites-enabled/000-default (or similar).  There will be a line something like: 
DocumentRoot xyz

For me, document root was /var/www - this is the ubuntu 11.10 default.
I checked out the codebase to ~/dev/backbone_proof
So, my softlink command looked like:
$ sudo ln -s ~/dev/backbone_proof/ storefront

The rails application is configured to allow CORS AJAX requests only from http://localhost, so just loading the page with file://... won't work.

4. Install rails 3.1 - in whatever way you prefer.  For me on a stock ubuntu install I installed ruby 1.9.2 through rvm, and then did a `rvm do 1.9.2 gem install rails`.

5. `rake db:migrate` the rails app.

6. `rails server` to startup the server_spoof app.


# figure out testing - jasmine and sinon are in the lib dir.
# figure out what we're going to do with sessions.  How do we handle auth?  Talk to Chris about what his auth api looks like - he said it was oauth like.
# create product pages
# style the demo
# figure out asset packaging - consider Jammit