- 2
Wrong colors
#31 opened by emmanuelclement - 0
Disable by default?
#30 opened by savchenko - 29
Vim-css-color doesnt work.
#10 opened by Figuera - 3
- 1
Update time about 3 seconds
#29 opened by eduardoarandah - 1
- 5
with Bundle
#20 opened by xavierartot - 1
when i open my php file ,it cost too much time.
#26 opened by JamesKid - 0
- 15
SCSS support
#2 opened by bjeanes - 5
- 2
Conflict between junegunn/rainbow_parentheses.vim, cakebaker/scss-syntax.vim and ap/vim-css-color
#25 opened by JulioJu - 2
Doesn't work with css variables
#23 opened by MoOx - 2
- 2
not working with colon(:)
#21 opened by qianyingshuo - 0
- 7
LESS support
#15 opened by monotasker - 7
- 23
Very slow.
#3 opened by agscala - 2
- 1
white-space is incorrectly highlighted
#14 opened by jasondaihl - 10
Fix: "white" gets highlighted in white-space:;
#9 opened by kien - 1
- 5
- 2
hsl, hsla support
#4 opened by seaofclouds - 4
support for sass and scss files
#1 opened by effkay